Montag, 8. Dezember 2008

Marktkauf => Kaiser's

Moving to another city means more than just changing the room, the building, the neighbour(s)hood, but also about changing the supermarket.
Lidl, Aldi, Plus, Penny will be everywhere. A little bit harder to find but they are always there.. when u need them. ;-)
The closest as it was in Harburg is another supermarket. The old Harburger Marktkauf is replaced by Kaiser's in Prenzlauer Berg. There is unfortunately a difference. Kaiser's is more expensive. But is the only one opened till 24, Mo-Sa.
Went there on Saturday cause I couldn’t make it to Lidl on time and neither to the other Kaiser's closer to my home & opened till 22. Bought 1l milk (3,5%, cheapest, from the fridge), cheese (white+yellow+brie), 4x125g yogurt = 5.07€ . Not more than 10 people inside. The verkäuferInnen were becoming friends with the customers. I was pretty quite. Smiled just a little. At the line I saw that the guy in front of me got some [Lindt] candies. :O:O 'Damn, it is because he knows the people or just because he got into a long and 'funny' discussion with them. Buuuuuuut.. to my surprise.. I also got a hand full of candies.
They are so expensive they give candies for free. And not from the cheap ones..

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