To avoid any misunderstanding or unpleasant situation write 1st the message, then choose the person you want to sent it to.. not other way around !!!!!
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
To avoid any misunderstanding or unpleasant situation write 1st the message, then choose the person you want to sent it to.. not other way around !!!!!
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..i found an original present for my best friend: Painted pieces of the Berlin wall in a small black frame.
In order to remember this moment will mention a conversation i had with one of my work collegues, while 'picking up' the shapeless fragments from the wall.
He wanted to give me as a present on my bday some pieces of the wall (terrible cool!!!!). But... he was the only one who thought of it as a good idea, cause he got an answer like: 'What do u mean take some pieces from the wall?! Let's buy some.'
ahh.. buy them ?!?!?!?! :))
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Just K
A song that one can easily listen.. in an infinite loop:
Sad Robot - Pornophonique
Another song that i find ok, as through my veins flows a latin blood, is:
Dejame vivir - La Mari de Chambao
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Just K
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No, the post isn't about relationships, but about 'my towns'. Living for almost 24 years in a B city, 'passing' for 2 years through an H city ( more exactly HH ) i got to another B city. From a capital city to another. ;-)
Sei multi, sei kulti, sei Berlin!
My 1st picture since i moved here:
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Just K
I went yday to a Euroleague BBL game: Alba Berlin vs. Fenerbahce Istanbul.
Great game. Great atmosphere. It was definitively worth it. 9,90€ instead of 19,90€. There was an offer @Kaiser's (siehe here), where you could have bought a coupon (i.e gutschein) and valite it in internet.
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Just K
Moving to another city means more than just changing the room, the building, the neighbour(s)hood, but also about changing the supermarket.
Lidl, Aldi, Plus, Penny will be everywhere. A little bit harder to find but they are always there.. when u need them. ;-)
The closest as it was in Harburg is another supermarket. The old Harburger Marktkauf is replaced by Kaiser's in Prenzlauer Berg. There is unfortunately a difference. Kaiser's is more expensive. But is the only one opened till 24, Mo-Sa.
Went there on Saturday cause I couldn’t make it to Lidl on time and neither to the other Kaiser's closer to my home & opened till 22. Bought 1l milk (3,5%, cheapest, from the fridge), cheese (white+yellow+brie), 4x125g yogurt = 5.07€ . Not more than 10 people inside. The verkäuferInnen were becoming friends with the customers. I was pretty quite. Smiled just a little. At the line I saw that the guy in front of me got some [Lindt] candies. :O:O 'Damn, it is because he knows the people or just because he got into a long and 'funny' discussion with them. Buuuuuuut.. to my surprise.. I also got a hand full of candies.
They are so expensive they give candies for free. And not from the cheap ones..
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If somebody mentions IT, Computer Science, Informatics, dsfsrevcsd[i.e any word]-Informatics immediately the connection to computer games is made in the head of the one who listens. Why? Is there something that u automatically do when u are IT-afine? More than any other person? I personally never liked to play computer games. Maybe it is also because i used to see my brother play strategic games and I found it sort of boring [sorry, don't want to hurt anybody's feelings]. Or maybe it is because I used to get beaten by my brother in games like shah, "don't get upset, brother" [i.e 'nu te supara, frate!' hehe].
During the university I used to hear all the times the students leaving in the dorms telling stories about how great one game or another one is. Never been drawn by it.
2 weeks ago it was my 1st time. ja ja. playing computer games. ;-)
A little sceptic at the begging as the other person really thought of it as a good idea to spend the eve. haha. So.. I said.. what the hell?! Let’s give it a try. Everything needs to be done at least once. ;-)
The game?! Unreal terminal tournament (here). And?! Does it sound familiar? Not to me.
It was ok. For a short while, a nice distraction. For the 1st time, same. For the last time, never say never, but I will at the moment.
PS: The conversation started with :
1:'Was willste denn heute abend machen? Ins Kino gehen? Nee, es ist zu teuer. Ahh. ich habe 'ne Idee. Zocken!'
2:'Ahh bestimmt wird sie sich freuen.' [i.e the stereotype i was mentioning]
3:'Aber es ist zu kalt draussen'
1,3:':-s :O :-? Haste wirklich verstanden?'
3:'ähhmmm..BBL spielen?!?!?!'
1,2: ':))))))))'
3:':"> Für mich ist zocken aber : bbl spielen'
Zocken heißt einfach in Umgangssprache spielen. Aber was für ein Spiel? Dasjenige Spiel, das einer am liebsten spielt. Wenn man mit einem BBL-Freak spricht, geht's für diesen um BBL. Wenn einer lieber Computerspiele spielt, dann der meint Computerspiele spielen.
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After 'only' 2 & 1/2 months in the middle of my new working family this was my bday present from them:
5 special postcards ilustrating the cool area where i live:
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Just K