Gaming - Stereotype for ITs?
If somebody mentions IT, Computer Science, Informatics, dsfsrevcsd[i.e any word]-Informatics immediately the connection to computer games is made in the head of the one who listens. Why? Is there something that u automatically do when u are IT-afine? More than any other person? I personally never liked to play computer games. Maybe it is also because i used to see my brother play strategic games and I found it sort of boring [sorry, don't want to hurt anybody's feelings]. Or maybe it is because I used to get beaten by my brother in games like shah, "don't get upset, brother" [i.e 'nu te supara, frate!' hehe].
During the university I used to hear all the times the students leaving in the dorms telling stories about how great one game or another one is. Never been drawn by it.
2 weeks ago it was my 1st time. ja ja. playing computer games. ;-)
A little sceptic at the begging as the other person really thought of it as a good idea to spend the eve. haha. So.. I said.. what the hell?! Let’s give it a try. Everything needs to be done at least once. ;-)
The game?! Unreal terminal tournament (here). And?! Does it sound familiar? Not to me.
It was ok. For a short while, a nice distraction. For the 1st time, same. For the last time, never say never, but I will at the moment.
PS: The conversation started with :
1:'Was willste denn heute abend machen? Ins Kino gehen? Nee, es ist zu teuer. Ahh. ich habe 'ne Idee. Zocken!'
2:'Ahh bestimmt wird sie sich freuen.' [i.e the stereotype i was mentioning]
3:'Aber es ist zu kalt draussen'
1,3:':-s :O :-? Haste wirklich verstanden?'
3:'ähhmmm..BBL spielen?!?!?!'
1,2: ':))))))))'
3:':"> Für mich ist zocken aber : bbl spielen'
Zocken heißt einfach in Umgangssprache spielen. Aber was für ein Spiel? Dasjenige Spiel, das einer am liebsten spielt. Wenn man mit einem BBL-Freak spricht, geht's für diesen um BBL. Wenn einer lieber Computerspiele spielt, dann der meint Computerspiele spielen.
Unreal Tournament - 20 Eur
AntwortenLöschenCarmen playing Unreal Tournament - priceless =)))