Samstag, 5. Januar 2008

Winter in Hamburg

Definitely Hamburg isnt a city like the ones characterized in our childhood stories 'with hot summers and cold winters'. In the summer not more that 30 something degrees and in the winter dont know if it goes under -1 too often.
This period is a small exception. Yday the thermometers in the center next to the lake were showing -4,-5 degrees and it was pretty windy..bcs of the water of course.
But unfortunately only the low temperature gives u the impression it is winter. Bcs there arent any other signs. Maybe only the frozen lakes u find in some small parks. Snow?! Neeee..

But what is a winter without snow? From Skandalouz i found out 1st ab the 50cm snow in Bukarest on the 3rd of Jan. I was sad a little for not having the feeling of waking up thinking it is an ordinary day and looking sleepy out through the window when.. suddly u feel so awake that u freeze in front of the window wondering if it is real or u are still dreaming of seeing everything covered in white.

But what can one do in winter in Hamburg?

Go swimming? It is a possibility if u think ur life isnt worth being lived.
Go skiing? Where? At least 800km south in the Alps? Or.. in a snow dome?!

Die Lüneburger Heide wird zum Skisport-Mekka: Im beschaulichen Bispingen eröffnet im kommenden Jahr Norddeutschlands erste Wintersporthalle. Im Fokus der Investoren und Planer: Die Zehntausenden Ski-Fans in der Hansestadt. Denn in Hamburg leben proportional mehr Skiläufer als in jedem anderen Bundesland. Nur 60 Kilometer vom Hamburger Zentrum entfernt sollen sie ab Herbst 2005 wedeln, carven, rodeln und snowboarden können.

But can one compare this to a region like, let's say, Südtirol?! Quoting the ones who live there : "SÜDTIROL - Ich wohne da, wo ihr Urlaub macht...", u remain only with a frozen smile in the corner of ur mouth. :))))

So.. the only possibility to say : ' it's winteeeeeeer!! ' is to go for a 2h dance on ice.

I went yday. Had to try my new skates. I am soooo proud of myself for buying them. :D

I went unfortunately alone. But i had a great time. As R said 'it is important to learn something new each time'.
Lots of people, from the youngest to the oldest. Not too much place to catch some speed, but if u practice enough u can squeeze in between the crowd.

To have an idea ab the ice skating track here in HH (the link isnt always working):

Entrance : 3.5 Euros.
Shoes: 4 Euros.
A small discount for a 10er Karte.

Tomorrow if it doesnt rain ( like today :| ).. another round.

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