Sonntag, 20. Januar 2008

Español III

This semester i had more time (supposedly) and decided to fill the holes i had in my knowledge regarding Spanish. People say that for us, the Romanians, it is easy to learn Spanish not because our language is similar to it, but because we can learn it from soap-operas. I don't think it is true. You need some rules you can follow.
Didn't realise until coming to HH that i can understand that good Spanish. The problem comes up once I start communicating. There isn't any communication. A monologue of the person who want to communicate with me :))))
Ehh well.. just need some practice. October i went to take the placement test. It was very funny. Most of them i 'solved' them by listening to my intuition. I knew that if i would have read a little before i would have done better. But never mind. I had a lot of fun taking the test ( Thank u, A.. for that! )

I was placed in Spanish 2. That mean they might have thought : ' Hmm..she knows some Spanish, but not enough.' :D
I found it a little slow for me. So i asked the teacher if i could come also to Spanish 3.
After 10 lessons ( in total ) i took the test for Spanish 3.

Y el resultado es:

Desafortunadamente la universidad no tiene suficiente dinero para ofrecer español 4 tambien. :((
¡Que pena!
Pero ahora solo tengo que practicar mucho con mis amigos españoles, mexicanos, colombianos etc.
hehe :D

1 Kommentar:

  1. Moin moin,

    wir sind ja nicht so viele, aber ein echter Guatemalteker wohnt auch in Hamburg und würde dir gerne auch sein eigenes einheimisches Spanisch beibringen :-) la pregunta es, por qué escribí en alemán, si también me entendés español? Saludos Carmen, me gustó mucho tu blog. Juan Carlos.
