Sonntag, 27. Januar 2008

Kulturstadt HH

Last Sunday, bcs the weather didn't want to play on our side and let me share with it the joy of 30 people going to ice skating, I was forced to make a backup plan: Ice Skating => Cinema Evening. The fact that half of the people on the original Ice Skating list dropped out didn't stop me from going with the other half to the movies.
The choices: I am Legend ( Too bad for Will Smith. He is a pretty good actor), Eastern Promises ( A movie that was promising something but turned out to be only that) and PS: I love you ( I didn't get to see the movie bcs nobody else wanted to see it. And to let it out on the open. I wouldn't have seen it bcs it is a romantic comedy but bcs i like Hilary Swank ).


Yday after basketball ( now every Tue and Fday eve ) I went with Chris to the theater. It was "Richard the III"'s night. Good that the poor Shakespeare doesn't live anymore. He could have easily become insane seeing what these modern times are doing to his pieces of art.
I am a little exaggerating now, as the actors were pretty good. Only Shakespeare's English caused some problems.

<< „Richard III“ – Premiere von den University Players - Die University Players der Universität Hamburg zeigen William Shakespeares Historiendrama in englischer Sprache „Richard III“ vom 22. bis 26. Januar und 28. Januar bis 2. Februar 2008" >>


Today i switched from English to German.
Tonight's performance: 'Die Kameliendame' (The Lady of the Camellias ) by Alexandre Dumas, fils.

Negative points:
- Got 20 min later. Grrr. Well it would have been tragic if i wouldn't have known the play.
- The lady at the entrance didn't check our tickets anymore. Should i have spent the money then? (She told us: U have to sit in the back now as the play already started. Crap. Who says i cannot go on the side till the front?! :D ).
- 2 Euros for wardrobe. Wth? I pay 5 Euros for the ticket and 2 for wardrobe? Grrrrrr.
- During the play 3 actors stripped. Yeah yeah. Everybody read correctly. They were naked. Why?! i asked myself. Modern art? Bad actors who needed something more to make the play more "interesting"? Wasn't needed. But we are in HH and Reeperbahn is a leitmotiv.

Positive points:
- Very nice play. Sad story but the actors were so good that i felt i was taking part at their story being written/confessed, i was a witness to their emotions.
- I understood it. :D:D May be the most important aspect. I am kind of.. proud of myself. There was a short moment when i detached myself from the play and smiled thinking that i am actually laughing and crying in.. "German".


Next week another try: " Der Geizige " ( L'Avare ) by Moliere. Anxious ab it. Am i going to see another modern representation with who knows some more naked people? :))))

Wish us all a cultural week.

Dienstag, 22. Januar 2008

Talents - Part 3

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Actually a little comment wouldnt hurt.
Now there isnt any doubt: i can get married. iuhuuuuu :))))))))))))))))))

Sonntag, 20. Januar 2008

Español III

This semester i had more time (supposedly) and decided to fill the holes i had in my knowledge regarding Spanish. People say that for us, the Romanians, it is easy to learn Spanish not because our language is similar to it, but because we can learn it from soap-operas. I don't think it is true. You need some rules you can follow.
Didn't realise until coming to HH that i can understand that good Spanish. The problem comes up once I start communicating. There isn't any communication. A monologue of the person who want to communicate with me :))))
Ehh well.. just need some practice. October i went to take the placement test. It was very funny. Most of them i 'solved' them by listening to my intuition. I knew that if i would have read a little before i would have done better. But never mind. I had a lot of fun taking the test ( Thank u, A.. for that! )

I was placed in Spanish 2. That mean they might have thought : ' Hmm..she knows some Spanish, but not enough.' :D
I found it a little slow for me. So i asked the teacher if i could come also to Spanish 3.
After 10 lessons ( in total ) i took the test for Spanish 3.

Y el resultado es:

Desafortunadamente la universidad no tiene suficiente dinero para ofrecer español 4 tambien. :((
¡Que pena!
Pero ahora solo tengo que practicar mucho con mis amigos españoles, mexicanos, colombianos etc.
hehe :D

Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2008

My new home - Moving issues

In the middle of September '07 I had to move. Many people said i was lucky for moving 'internally', as the people who own the dorms here in HH like to say. More exactly from the 3rd to the 1st floor. Why? Every international student who wants to stay in a dorm books the room, before coming to HH, only for 1 year. After this year everybody has to move out and start searching (preferably 2 months in advance) for another room... in private this time. I got to know from my friends who had been in this situation that this takes time, a bag of nerves and brings them up to discover the city while looking for the address of the person who's renting a room.
I 'skipped' this phase. I moved from a rectangular to an oval room. :) New apartment. New room. New flatmates. New habits. New rules.
My new flatmates?
1 Russian guy (I) - a bit lazy. He wouldn’t mind for sure as he was the one who told me that one day:
He: 'Are u clean?'
I(shocked):'What do u mean?'
He: 'No no... I wanted to ask if u like to clean. Bcs if u do, u can share the bathroom with me and M, bcs we are a little lazy and you would like to clean.' WTH???
1 Cameroonian guy (M) - pretty young. He gets along with I very good.
1 Vietnamese guy (Ph) - I don’t have too much contact with him. But i talk pretty much with his GF, Ha, who is studying in a city close to HH. She is always except WEs here. A nice girl. Very ordered.
1 Russian girl (O) - who was here for 3 years and moved last week. (Soon another face is coming). Nice girl. Quiet. Didn’t like to party.

My new contract is different. I was bothered by the fact that I didn’t have curtains (Thanks to my dear friend, SSG - my former flatmate, i have an orange one now :D). But the worst thing it was the dirty room. Took me (and Chris, as he was here to support me) 2-3 days to put everything in order.
Only 1 incident is worth to be mentioned: while cleaning the lampshade fell. Didn’t buy a new one until now as we don’t find one to match. :D

On the 15th I 'celebrated' 4 months since i am in this new room. Wow.
I remember very clearly I's first remark, just after the traditional 'Hallo!': 'I hope u are going to stay longer that the last guy who lived in ur room!' :)))))))))))) 'Hello to u too, I'

Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2008

Descovering Hamburg

Going back to last year. More exactly: September '07. Alex was ready to say goodbye for a short period (half a year) to HH and to greet his (new) temporary home : Aalborg @Denmark (which I was going to visit). Hamburg was living good days. Sunny and ready for new people: Bo and Kris.

Name it faith or just a mistake of the houseadministrator (hausmeister) which brought me to know Bo, a polish girl who lived only for 2 days in Alex's apartment and with whom i became a good friend.

On Alex's last and Bo's first days in HH we went on a discovering tour of the city.

Hamburger Hafen

Nikolaikirche (the brown tower in the image) - what is left from it after the air attack in 1943.
Alster - Hamburg's biggest lake.
The Rathaus (city hall) - the building with the green roof.

"Hummel Hummel!" - "Mors Mors!" :))))))

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Kris ( Alex's friend from CZ), Bo & Alex

Hamburger Hafen

St. Pauli beach - a nice discovery. Artificial but the nice music, good company and a fresh drink make it the perfect way to spend some quality time.

Samstag, 5. Januar 2008

Winter in Hamburg

Definitely Hamburg isnt a city like the ones characterized in our childhood stories 'with hot summers and cold winters'. In the summer not more that 30 something degrees and in the winter dont know if it goes under -1 too often.
This period is a small exception. Yday the thermometers in the center next to the lake were showing -4,-5 degrees and it was pretty windy..bcs of the water of course.
But unfortunately only the low temperature gives u the impression it is winter. Bcs there arent any other signs. Maybe only the frozen lakes u find in some small parks. Snow?! Neeee..

But what is a winter without snow? From Skandalouz i found out 1st ab the 50cm snow in Bukarest on the 3rd of Jan. I was sad a little for not having the feeling of waking up thinking it is an ordinary day and looking sleepy out through the window when.. suddly u feel so awake that u freeze in front of the window wondering if it is real or u are still dreaming of seeing everything covered in white.

But what can one do in winter in Hamburg?

Go swimming? It is a possibility if u think ur life isnt worth being lived.
Go skiing? Where? At least 800km south in the Alps? Or.. in a snow dome?!

Die Lüneburger Heide wird zum Skisport-Mekka: Im beschaulichen Bispingen eröffnet im kommenden Jahr Norddeutschlands erste Wintersporthalle. Im Fokus der Investoren und Planer: Die Zehntausenden Ski-Fans in der Hansestadt. Denn in Hamburg leben proportional mehr Skiläufer als in jedem anderen Bundesland. Nur 60 Kilometer vom Hamburger Zentrum entfernt sollen sie ab Herbst 2005 wedeln, carven, rodeln und snowboarden können.

But can one compare this to a region like, let's say, Südtirol?! Quoting the ones who live there : "SÜDTIROL - Ich wohne da, wo ihr Urlaub macht...", u remain only with a frozen smile in the corner of ur mouth. :))))

So.. the only possibility to say : ' it's winteeeeeeer!! ' is to go for a 2h dance on ice.

I went yday. Had to try my new skates. I am soooo proud of myself for buying them. :D

I went unfortunately alone. But i had a great time. As R said 'it is important to learn something new each time'.
Lots of people, from the youngest to the oldest. Not too much place to catch some speed, but if u practice enough u can squeeze in between the crowd.

To have an idea ab the ice skating track here in HH (the link isnt always working):

Entrance : 3.5 Euros.
Shoes: 4 Euros.
A small discount for a 10er Karte.

Tomorrow if it doesnt rain ( like today :| ).. another round.

Mittwoch, 2. Januar 2008

New Year - New expectations - A better life?

A new year has begun. What should one expect from it? Is there anyone who wants the new year to be worse than the previous one? Everyone dreams of an improvement, of something at least as good as the best moments of 2007 ( supposing that 2007 >= 2006 - inequality in the class of 'good moments' ). Greedy?

I tried to make everything possible to close all my debts for 2007 ( these stupid superstitions/ traditions :D ). I am sure i still forgot some things but if they are forgotten it means u couldnt solve them :D

Ok. No more philosophies.

I went after almost 1 and a half year home. What was the feeling, what was the atmosphere? What was the 1st impression, what was the last one? Soon more ab it.

What happened in the meantime, since my last post? I will try to collect the best and important moments and talk ab them.

People say that how u spend the last day of the year u will spend the whole year. So? Did this last day turned out to be as expected?