Discovering Berlin
One of the reasons I like this city is that in so many ways it is similar to my home town. I set a sort of a goal to find out in these 6 months as many 'insights' as I can.
On Wednesday I went out with some colleagues from work. To describe a little bit the 'team' I would say it contained: 2 guys from Java (1 of them studied the same thing with me but in Hannover; is there an university there? :p), 1 gal from Graphics (Austrian) and 1 guy who did his Diplomarbeit in the company and now I don't know where he's working. The last one came with the idea to have a Cocktail evening in a bar not too far away from where we work.
It took us some time to get there cause I needed to go by the bank before. Surprisingly there aren't so many banks around this area.
The bar: A cocktail bar with happy 'hour' btw 5-8pm and after 8 the offer continues with the cocktail of the day. We stayed there till almost 10 (from 7.30).
From the whole crew only 1 lives in the same area with me, the rest.. 1h by S-Bahn. :-s
After saying goodbye from the others, V told me about an 'interesting' place he got to know by mistake. A true Berliner insight. Don’t remember the name [29.10.2008 The name: Dr. Pong] (you couldn't see actually any name outside or anything inside. We had also problems finding the door while going out hahaha. Anyway. It wasn't that bad as it might seem. :)
A little about this place: Not too big. Some people inside. Only 1 room, divided in 2: on one side the bar (with beer 1.50-2€), on the other side a big table tennis and people moving around it. Huh? Moving around it? Yeah, well.. How does it work? You pay 5€ deposit for a blade at the bar and set urself in the circle around the table. Everybody has to hit the ball once (correctly!!) otherwise he/she is out. It goes like this until only 2 persons remain in the game. To set a winner they play 2 out of 3. Then you start all over again. :D
Pretty silly but this is one of the insights I was talking about. I heard that, during the weekend, they are like 50 ppl around the table. :)))))
(I have some pics from there, didn’t get them yet though)
Jucam si eu in highschool. Se chema Americutza (don't ask me why).