Montag, 11. August 2008


I gave 2 days ago my weighting machine to one of the guys in the dorm 'cause he needed it to make sure that he doesn't take more than 10kg with him in the plane.
One of our neighbours happened to be there and saw me giving him the 'incriminating' object so she wanted to see how she... 'stands'.

She complained that she will go back home with 7kg ( i think ) more. 7kg in 5 months. need to worry. She has now 50 something. hahahhaha. She concluded with : "I hate Germany. I hate german chocolate and cookies." hahahahah
I told her she shouldn't worry 'cause once she gets home she will be back in no time in her previous 'condition'.
When i mentioned that after almost 2 years I carry 13 more kilos with all the time replied: " is ok. 'Cause here in Germany everybody is like this."
hahahhaha or :O:O:O:O

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