Montag, 11. August 2008


I gave 2 days ago my weighting machine to one of the guys in the dorm 'cause he needed it to make sure that he doesn't take more than 10kg with him in the plane.
One of our neighbours happened to be there and saw me giving him the 'incriminating' object so she wanted to see how she... 'stands'.

She complained that she will go back home with 7kg ( i think ) more. 7kg in 5 months. need to worry. She has now 50 something. hahahhaha. She concluded with : "I hate Germany. I hate german chocolate and cookies." hahahahah
I told her she shouldn't worry 'cause once she gets home she will be back in no time in her previous 'condition'.
When i mentioned that after almost 2 years I carry 13 more kilos with all the time replied: " is ok. 'Cause here in Germany everybody is like this."
hahahhaha or :O:O:O:O

Freitag, 8. August 2008


This is what i am.

After the unfortunate events that 'fell on my head' last week (here more details), 2 more happened recently:

During the last weekend, more exactly on Sunday morning in Fischmarkt, somebody stole my camera. Actually it wasn't really mine and actually it was pretty much my fault. So... :((((
Now maybe i will get a new one from HVB. I will see in 2 weeks when i go to Aachen and 'force' 2 of my friends to open a bank account.
But until then.. how am I going to live without a camera. pfff..

We started a discussion about 'the trust in the people around us' like 2 weeks ago, when 2 students were robbed of their laptops, harddisks, cameras, etc. One of my friends told me that she leaves the door of her room open 'cause "I need to trust my flatmates". My flatmates are ok. But i cannot say there is a relaxed atmosphere in our apartment. Sad but this is the case.
Listening to my friend I said let's try this for a while. I did it on Wednesday. I left the door of my room open, went out and came back to pick up something. Being in a hurry I didn't take the key totally out from the door of the apartment, so it got 'curved' :P. Therefore I wasn't able to use it anymore. Luckily the door of my room was open. soooo.. sleeping at home tonight. hehehehe
Today I got another key. A temporary one actually. The new one on the 26th. Unfortunately I'll have to pay 30€ for it. :(((((
Normally I should hv got it on the spot but, first of all, my house administrator is since last Friday on holiday and, second of all, the one who replaces him has all the keys except the one of the box where all the backup keys are held. hahahhahaha
But we found another solution.

So.. du, pechvogel.. fly way !!!!!!

Mittwoch, 6. August 2008

- Progres romanesc

Din pacate m-a luat gura pe dinainte.
Din aceeasi sursa face parte si urmatorul articol.: " Mădălin Voicu îl face praf pe Marius Lăcătuş ".
Simplu: stupid.

Progres romanesc?

Tocmai ce am dat de urmatorul articol in Evenimentul Zilei Online si am tinut sa il marchez. Poate fi considerat un inceput al unui progres romanesc (din mai multe puncte de vedere)?

Bibliotecă mobilă pentru elevii din Cluj

Miercuri, 06 August 2008

În timpul vacanţei de vară, şcolarii pot alege din peste 25.000 de cărţi din biblioteca pe patru roţi ce colindă judeţul în lung şi în lat.

Elevii din localitatea Negreşti au fost primii care au putut să-şi aleagă lecturile de vacanţă. Proiectul aparţine Bibliotecii Judeţeane Cluj. Reprezentanţii instituţiei speră ca rafturile pe patru roţi să îi convingă pe copii să citească.

"Scopul e să aducem un plus de calitate şi să aducem în aceste localităţi rurale, pentru că bibliobusul ăsta face, acele cărţi, acele documente electronice şi audio-vizuale pe care bibliotecile rurale nu le deţin", a declarat Doina Popa, director Biblioteca Judeţeană din Cluj, citată de Realitatea.

Elevii vor înapoia cărţile împrumutate peste două luni. Până atunci, biblioteca mobilă va străbate zi de zi aproape 80 de comune din judeţ.