Schweinske - Made in Deutschland
Schweinske and Oktober are 2 German fast foods, as somebody very close to me used to say.
To celebrate an important step in the life of 2 good friends of mine we went to Schweinske.
Personally i would have prefered our mensa. Bad food but cheap :P. But i said we arent going out too often all together.
We could try characterizing the participants according to what they ate. :)
We start with mine :| (why this?!cause.. i wanted to see if they make better salads as i do :P):Andrey's :
Chris's was more a breakfast than a lunch..
Roman's looked pretty good :
Shen's was quite strange. A_wanna_be_a_McDonalds_meal but we keep calling it Schweinske's 3456th item :
Mariancic's was sort of the same like Roman's but without the sauce:
und natürlich.. nichts läuft den Hals runter ohne was zum trinken.
Am Ende muss man sich auch für das Trinkgeld bedanken. Aber auf rumänisch nicht?! hmm.. und auf chinesisch auch nicht?! wieso?! dann.. sollen wir was machen.
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