Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2008

Internationaler Abschiedsabend / International Good Bye Evening

.. this is the name of the last event prepared by us (Compass Team @Accommodation Office, TUHH). This Friday, 1st of August.

And this is the invitation mail:


Hey Ladies & Gents,

'If you are leaving on a jet plane
And don't know when you'll be back again

All you bags are packed
You are ready to go

We are waiting here outside the dorm
We'd hate to see you go without a last goodbye'

So let us ALL (international students, fellow students, flat mates and friends) meet for one last time to reminisce together. Come share a Pierrot Experience – with one eye crying and the other laughing - we celebrate one last moment in Black and White.

Date: 1st August 2008, 21:00
Place: Wohnheimbar, Ebelingstr. 1
Dress code: Ladies in Black & Gents in White

If you want to leave one last unforgettable impression this is your last chance:
PerformIng, SingIng, DancIng, ActIng, JogglIng or just AnythIng…..

Your entrance tickets to the hall of fame can be found at
For further details please see the attached poster.

Important: Due to legal reasons we are not allowed to sell or supply alcohol, so if you wish to consume any alcoholic drinks, please bring your own.


... ...
Deshalb möchten wir mit allen (internationalen Studenten, Kommilitonen, Mitbewohnern und Freunden) ein letztes Mal zusammen lachen, weinen und feiern.
Wir laden Euch alle herzlich zu einem Abend ganz nach Pierrot ein – mit einem lachenden und einem weinenden Auge – feiern wir ein letztes Mal ALLE zusammen in Schwarz und Weiß.

Datum: 1. August 2008, ab 21:00
Ort: Wohnheimbar, Ebelingstr. 1
Dresscode: Ladies in Schwarz & Gents in Weiß

Falls Ihr einen letzten bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen wollt, dies ist Eure letzte Chance:
PerformIng, SingIng, DancIng, ActIng, JogglIng or just AnythIng…..

Die Eintrittskarte in die Hall of Fame gibt es bei
Für weitere Informationen schaut Euch einfach den Anhang an.

Achtung: Aus rechtlichen Gründen dürfen wir kein Alkohol verkaufen oder zur Verfügung stellen. Wer auf alkoholische Getränke nicht verzichten möchte bringt sie bitte selbst mit.



Closure phase + head needed

A crazy week is going to end tomorrow. The people around here are preparing themselves to close the TUHH chapter of their life. Some of them. The important ones. So.. it was/is time to celebrate this moment properly.
We started last week.. somewhere at its beginning and we will end it..hmm.. when?! :P

The apogee was reached in this weekend.. lasting from friday 11pm - sunday 11 am. But monday or yday eve<->morning weren't too bad either.

From the famous phrases that were said through this 'weekend' some need to be mentioned. (If more.. later edit)
'solo la.. ' (spanish speaking people will know)
'K, are u going home tonight?'
'J lives in Schanze'
'Let's go to Schanze and eat a Kumpir'

Besides the good moments lived in this short week there were also some stupid/funny. An enummeration would contain the following:
-forgot my online banking pin
-lost my ec card
-came back on saturday at 3pm
-took a book bck to the library, noticed the CD was broken (almost in half..wth?!); I have to provide a new one or they will (+ they will charge me 20 euros)

But what is the plan for tonight?

Sonntag, 20. Juli 2008

My obsession: Trees

From what tree did u fall?

I am ...
HORNBEAM TREE (the Good Taste) - of cool beauty, cares for its looks and condition, good taste, is not egoistic, makes life as comfortable as possible, leads a reasonable and disciplined life, looks for kindness and acknowledgement in an emotional partner, dreams of unusual lovers, is seldom happy with its feelings, mistrusts most people, is never sure of its decisions, very conscientious.

You are...
maybeeeee this tree ?!

Hamburg.. meine Perle


Today was the 1st and maybe last Sunday in Hamburg when the people were able to go rollerblading for few hours around the Alster. More exactly directly on the main road around the river. From 12.30 until 15.30 at any point you could have joined the other 'runners' and go hand in hand.. or wheel to wheel for a distance of 8km.
At one point on the way you could have stopped to make a small donation in exchange for an wristband (bracelet) 'Alsterrunde Skating Hamburg' and a Bionade.

At the beginning it was a little hard cause it has been a while since i've put my rollerblades in my feet. (I will see tomorrow if I can move properly :P). After a while it started raining so I got a little scared cause i was on the track for not more than 10 min.. but as usual it didn't last long and the sun reappeared over the Alster river.

The event was made in collaboration with the Hochbahn - Hamburg's public transportation system - in the sense that the citizens were invited to leave their cars at home and use either the bus or sbahn. Everything for the environment. :)

To remember the event I took some pictures.

One gorgeous city..

This is a memorable moment. I don't think i will catch a similar one again. Skating in the middle of Kennedy bridge in HH, the bridge which separates the Binnenalster (small Alster) from the Aussenalster (big Alster).

Modern times. And yeees.. he was faster. (I think i should search for new skates :P)

Everybody on skates.

More infos: Alsterrun

Samstag, 19. Juli 2008

The Aaaaaaaalmighty = das Internet

Ich habe auf der Focus Webseite folgenden Artikel gefunden:

"Wie gut sind Ihre PC-Kenntnisse?"
Sprachkenntnisse und ein sicherer Umgang mit dem PC sind Standard. Ein Bewerber sollte seine Qualitäten dennoch nicht als selbstverständlich abtun.

Der Verlierer antwortet:
„Ich kenne die üblichen Programme, die man im Back Office braucht. Ohne die geht es ja heutzutage auch gar nicht mehr. Ich bringe daher gute EDV-Kenntnisse mit.“

Der Bewerber ist mit dieser Antwort in die „Selbstverständlichkeitsfalle“ getappt. Hält ein Bewerber seine Software-Kenntnisse für nicht weiter erwähnenswert, verkauft er sich unter Wert.

Der Gewinner antwortet:
„Ich arbeite im Büro täglich mit dem gängigen MS-Office-Softwarepaket. Für den Schriftverkehr setze ich Word ein, Statistiken bereite ich mit Excel auf, und auch in der Erstellung von Präsentationen mit PowerPoint bin ich erfahren. Für den Versand von Dokumenten habe ich mir auch die Pdf-Konvertierung von Word-Dateien mittels Adobe angeeignet.“

Der Bewerber erläutert konkret, wie er typische Programme bei der täglichen Arbeit einsetzt. Der Personalverantwortliche schließt daraus, dass er sich auch künftig in Programm-Updates oder neue Programme einarbeiten wird.

Meine Schlussfolgerung : :-@ (für viele doch unbekannt)

(Der Artikel hier.)

From the category: soft skills

.. we present:

K: "It is exhausting to be a perfectionist."
C: "It is a tough job beeing a perfectionist, but somebody has to do it."

"Als Team Player bei ... (Firma X) werde ich durch Kreativität und Gewissenhaftigkeit diese Erfahrung zu einer höheren Phase bringen. "

Gewissenhaftigkeit u say?!
Gewissenhaftigkeit = assiduousness, conscientiousness, diligence, preciseness, scrupulousness.
All in one word. What a great language. (Source: Leo)

3) der oder das Teil?

"Der Teil (Teil eines Ganzen): der Erdteil, der Landesteil, der Stadtteil, der Elternteil, der Bestandteil, der (vordere/hintere) Zugteil, der Mittelteil (z.B. mittlerer Abschnitt eines Buches).
Das Teil (loses Stück): das Puzzleteil, das Ersatzteil, das Einzelteil, das Altenteil, das Oberteil, das Plastikteil, das Wrackteil ( source: Spiegel)"
"Der Teil der Menschheit ist schon wieder so viel, dass es "der" Teil ist. Das Teil wäre ;-)ein Stück eines Menschenkörpers oder auch vieler oder aller Menschenkörper." (source : der-oder-das-teil )

So.. "auf den technischen Teil oder auf das technische Teil konzentrieren" ?!

4) aufbauen auf + Akk oder Dat ?

"(etwas) auf etwas (Dat) aufbauen etwas als Grundlage oder Ausgangspunkt für etwas benutzen: einen physikalischen Beweis auf einer Versuchsreihe aufbauen; Es sind schon Grundlagen vorhanden, auf denen wir aufbauen können; [Vi] 9 etwas baut auf etwas (Dat) auf etwas hat etwas als Grundlage, Voraussetzung: Der Unterricht an der Universität baut meist auf dem Schulwissen auf;" ( source: duden )

So.. "Auf der / Auf die Lösung solcher Aufgaben habe ich meine bisherige Erfahrung aufgebaut. " ?

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2008

Ein wertvolles Geschenk

One month ago i received a very special present from a very dear friend of mine. Not many people can feel themselves lucky to be able to understand its meaning. 6 figures, 6 leters : my name.

Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2008

Abschlussparty in der Wohnheimsbar

Yday was the last bar evening in this semester. Many people wanted to celebrate the exam period so it was pretty crowded. I managed to get there from bbl (the last time because of the school vacations) before 10 pm, so I caught some minutes of Happy Hour :P.. ieeeei.
But I wanted more to be there that 'early' because a band was announced for the evening.. with the hope to make the event more interesting. The band?! I don't want to make a stereotype out of it but : 'It was of course a rock band.' 4 young guys, i think around 16-17 years old, from Winsen - a small city 15 min away from Harburg.

The picture was taken in the few moments when they played some ballads (unknown :|). Most of my pics are shady because of the impossibility of the band to stand still during the performance.

The time flew very fast. I ended up again staying 'till late in the night.
Again some interesting moments.. as usual. (Unfortunately the only way I could write them is with white on white background or as here dark blue on dark blue background.)

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2008

HH as 'we' see it

Einfach durch die Stadt.. an einem Sonntag.

Q: 'hast du immer die Kamera dabei?'
A: 'äääähm..jup'


Eigentlich die Photos wurden anlässlich eines Besuches bei einer Ausstellung aufgenommen, die im Speicherstadtmuseum stattgefunden hat:

BBL Länderspiel Deu - Kan

Am 9ten Juli war ich in der Color Line Arena bei dem BBL Länderspiel: Deutschland vs. Kanada.

Es ging um ein Freundschaftspiel.
Aber diese Woche spielen die Jungs in Griechenland um die Qualifikation für die Olympia-Spiele.

The german team expects a lot from their best player - Dirk Nowitzki, nr.14 - the only one who plays in NBA. Now they are going to be 2. The newest 'German', NBA player, in the dbb team is Chris Kaman.

14 iulie - o zi memorabila?

Pentru multi ziua de 14 iulie are o insemnatate deosebita. Pentru cine? Pentru francezi, la ei acasa. Pentru francezi, pretutindeni in lume. La multi ani pentru oricine care a simtit ca are ceva de sarbatorit in aceasta zi.
Pentru mine are o alta insemnatate. Tin neaparat sa scriu cateva randuri, in romana, pentru a le putea reciti peste ceva vreme.. fie chiar si in sfarsit de luna Septembrie.
Ieri doi dintre cei mai buni prieteni ai mei - diferite nivele de prietenie, as vrea sa le povestesc, dar nu se cuvine.. din pacate - au plecat pentru o perioada care poate parea infima pentru unii, dar enorma pentru cineva obisnuit cu prezenta lor.
Ma caracterizez ca fiind o persoana realista ceea ce nu crede in coincidente. De unde tin sa amintesc replica din Kung Fu Panda : 'Es gibt keine Zufälle!'. Deci exista un motiv pentru a trebui sa imi iau la revedere in acelasi timp de la doua persoane importante. Curiozitatea de a vedea cum o sa 'evolueze' relatia mea cu cei doi dupa perioada de pauza nu imi da pace. Mai ales cu unul dintre ei. Pentru ca.. pe langa faptul ca nu cred in coincidente nu cred nici in distanta. Doar daca e vorba de familie, prieteni pe care ii stiu dupa o perioada mai indelungata. Dar daca timpul nu a fost de ajuns pentru a construi o baza, distanta va distruge relatia ( orice tip de relatie ) ce incepuse sa se contureze. am decat sa incerc sa ma concentrez saptamanile ce or sa vina si sa pun totul behind ca un moment important din viatza mea, ca un capitol ce sper sa ramana intiparit.

Donnerstag, 10. Juli 2008

Everybody is Kung Fu fighting..

I went last week to the new animation movie of the Universal Pictures 'Kung Fu Panda '. As the only cinema that was showing movies english got shot down, i had to choose one in german. After a hard day i needed to do something that would take me out of the bad mood. So.. a German movie for which i need to concentrate to understand what they were saying wouldn't have been a good choice. Therefore i chose one i knew i would fine interesting and funny in the same time. Interesting from the point of view that i am fascinated by animation movies, by the way they are made (a combination between: the technologies , the scenario, the characters etc. ).
I would recommend it to anyone who likes to laugh a little and even to leave from the cinema with some important phrases.

I will write the ones i remember.
'Es gibt keine Zufälle.'
'Du sollst nur glauben.'

Freitag, 4. Juli 2008

Schweinske - Made in Deutschland

Schweinske and Oktober are 2 German fast foods, as somebody very close to me used to say.
To celebrate an important step in the life of 2 good friends of mine we went to Schweinske.

Personally i would have prefered our mensa. Bad food but cheap :P. But i said we arent going out too often all together.

We could try characterizing the participants according to what they ate. :)

We start with mine :| (why this?!cause.. i wanted to see if they make better salads as i do :P):
Andrey's :

Chris's was more a breakfast than a lunch..

Roman's looked pretty good :

Shen's was quite strange. A_wanna_be_a_McDonalds_meal but we keep calling it Schweinske's 3456th item :

Mariancic's was sort of the same like Roman's but without the sauce:

und natürlich.. nichts läuft den Hals runter ohne was zum trinken.

Am Ende muss man sich auch für das Trinkgeld bedanken. Aber auf rumänisch nicht?! hmm.. und auf chinesisch auch nicht?! wieso?! dann.. sollen wir was machen.

Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2008

EM 2008 ist zu Ende..

..und Deutschland ist, leider, kein Europameister.
Schade..für die deutschen Fans..darunter auch ich.
Congrats to the Spanish team and, of course, to the fans.

From the last sessions of public viewing i'll present some pictures:

EM Dictionary

Din ciclul maxime germane amintesc cateva ce mi-au trecut pe la urechi in ultimele 2 saptamani ( cele mai multe cu ocazia EM-ului ):

"Auf die Fresse!!
Auf die Fresse!!"
(Un fel de..'sa le spargem fatza!!' =)))) )

"Hey Kaiserslautern!
Hey Kaiserslautern!"

"Hinsetzen! Hinsetzen! Hinsetzen!.. (toata lumea se aseaza in genunchi)
(Unul incepe si striga: )
Gimme a HU!
Gimme a F!
Gimme a T! (e internationala partea asta)
(Toata lumea se ridica si incepe sa tzopaie, strigand: )
Humppa teteretä (sau ufta teteretäääää :D )"

"Aleeeee.. Aleeeee.. Ale ale aleeeeee..
Eine Strasse viele Bäume
Ja das ist eine Aleeeee"
(Cred ca trebuie aici mai multi 'l' sau mai putini 'e' dar ma rog ideea conteaza :P )

"Super Deutschland!!
Super Deutschland!! ...."

"Wer nicht hupft, der ist kein Deutscher.Hey.Hey."

"Wiiiiiiiiir wippen, wippen, wippen... "
(Aici nu mai imi aduc aminte exact cum era, dar ideea e ca dupa 'wir' toti incep si sar.. )

Dienstag, 1. Juli 2008

What the Germans eat for lunch..

Yday I went to eat in the mensa cause I was on campus. What did I eat? Well.. one of the 5 meals they usual serve.. a very strange one. I wouldn't have ever thought to make this mixture.

Aaaaand.. in today's menu ( the cheapest one of course, 1.70 ) we serve : 4 rolls of rough fish 'filled' with a piece of sour cucumber, bitter salad with a little of French dressing and........ pommes frites.
So.. again.. huh?!
Interesting.. interesting..

For the interested people:

Preparation: U take a piece of fish (but the one that doesn't need to be cooked, people say it is salmon but I am not that convinced :D ) and put it on a plate, u cut a cucumber in small pieces ( but not too big cause the fishes died of hunger so they are usually pretty skinny ) and put it on top of the fish, u roll it, u tear in 4 a wooden stick u usually take when u drink a coffee and stab the fish with 2 of them so that u 'catch' also the cucumber. Then u wash the salad but u don't cut it into small pieces ‘cause it looks nicer like this. U splash some dressing but only on the side of the plate so that it gets a little on the salad. And then u take a look at the plate. Hmm.. the fish is too small, it doesn't cover the entire plate. Let's put something else. What is the cheapest-and-easiest-to-prepare thing?! Jaaaaa.. pommes frites. "I think we still have some from last month or was it last year(?)." U cut the bag of frozen chips, u throw them on a steel plate for the oven, you wait a little until they get stony (or is it bcs they are old?! :P ) and u put some on the rest of the plate.
.. " Luuuuuuuuuuuuunch is reaaaaaaaaaadyyyyyyyyyy!! Guten Appetit!! "

But.. as my mother used to say.. "If u don't like it, don't eat it!!!!" :)))))))))))))