Searching for new places
Last week on Tuesday (the special day when Romania had to pack 'her' things and get the hell out of Austria/Switzerland) I went to the theatre with my "Literatur und Kultur" class.
Usually Tuesdays i am going to basketball, but because of this change in the plans i went earlier to shoot for some time to a high school around the house. (here also a picture).
At 18.15 I was supposed to be in front of the theatre. The way 'till there? At least half an hour. The play was announced for 8 pm but before our lecturer arranged a meeting with the director of the play. A very nice idea.
So I managed to leave on time from bbl, respectively from home and I got to Hauptbahnhof at 18.00.. when..
I realised I didn't have the ticket.. grrrrrr.. &%$§%$"§%%$§%$%&
So.. the day was starting to get nicer and nicer..
The play? A very interesting one. (here more about it)
When i got finally to the theatre the director was announcing that the main actress was too sick to perform and that they just found out about it 2h before the begin of the play. So they decided not to cancel it and tried to find a solution.
In the play there were 2 actresses. With one ill, the 2nd had to take her place, being the only one who could have fulfilled 2 roles: being an actress and knowing the script. But her role was performed by another actress.
Who didn't want to take part in it was invited to leave and he/she will receive the money back for the ticket. But why to loose something like this: 2h of spontaneity but also great acting. (and anyhow our group didn't pay anything; it was paid by our International Office; great, isn't it?!)
It was very interesting to see how the actors who played their role so many times interact with the 2 actresses who knew their new role only from an external point of view. How sure can u be that u will perform it as it was yours? Walking around with the script helps pretty much but not when you have to use your both hands. And more over when the script involves acting in the rain. Really very interesting.
The play itself was very interesting although it would have been hard if we wouldn't have prepared it in our class. Reading it and commenting it helped a lot. Not entirely ‘cause usually, as it happened also with the other plays i went to, the script 'suffered' some modifications.
After the play we went for a drink.. on the roof of the theatre. Actually I went only to see the end of the game. Disappointment what can i say. No motivation or what could have been the reason?
At 11.30 we decided to go home. I went on foot 'till Hauptbahnhof. The tiredness started to make itself present. Going on the usual platform to take the SBahn, I noticed the S21 to Aumühle is next to come. "Ahh, the next one is S3. So 5 min altogether. Lots of people. Everybody is waiting for it." The S21 leaves, the next one comes. I go in and decide to sit, put my head on the window and close my eyes. After 15 min i wonder why we don't go into the tunnel. But hearing 'Übergang zu...' made me think that I am still on the way home. The next station comes. I look around. Something is not right. I don't recognize it. shit shit shit!!!!! Where am I?! I decide to go out and look around. I took S1. %&/%$&$%$&/§%$ But whyyyyyyyyyyyy?! Cause usually it comes on platform 3, not 4.
So.. being so late in the night I had to wait 20 min for the next SBahn back to the central station. What to do in the meantime?! Some photos..
Meet Hasselbrook station:
Come on.. one more. Get a little bit closer, baby..
Instead of getting home in half an hour I needed one and 1/2h...the train in Harburg station.
Never happened to me. But for everything there is a 1st time :)
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