Blindness / Confusion / Illusion / Weakness ?!
"Da, sunt numai un calator, un pelerin pe acest pamant! Dar voi sunteti altceva?"
Yesterday after the usual basketball session I went to the harbour to enjoy the nice weather and look at the ships, but most of all to finish reading 'Suferintele tanarului Werther' (auf deutsch: 'Die Leiden des jungen Werthers', in english: 'The Sorrows of Young Werther') by Goethe. It is nice written but I didn't like the story; actually I didn't agree with the decisions and the behaviour of the main character. I should read it maybe again when I will start (if ever) believing in the love between a man and a woman. I find it stupid (sorry ab this) to loose ur head, ur mind for another person. I liked very much how every feeling he had was put into words.
"Prezenta ei, destinul ei, participarea ei la destinul meu, toate astea imi storc si ultimele lacrimi din creieru-mi pustiit." It sounds truly great, but how could it be possible for one to get to this state. Simple terrifying. It goes hand in hand with part of my believes: There is no such thing like love between a man and a woman, but a feeling that takes u to a level where u cannot think clear anymore.
"Doamne! Asta-i soarta pe care ai dat-o oamenilor; ei nu sunt fericiti decat cand isi pierd mintile !"
Am i talking about blindness, confusion, illusion, weakness?
"Tare ma tem ca numai faptul ca nu poti sa ma ai te face sa tii atat de mult la dorinta asta."
People start chasing something (a fiction, an ideal) and when they catch it they don't want it anymore, because they realize it isn't what they wanted / expected to be.
"O, de ce oare a trebuit sa te nasti cu firea asta violenta, cu pasiunea asta nestapanita care te face sa nu mai lasi din mana ce ai apucat o data?"
Wake up and get over it !!!!! I would say..
Maybe my favourite passage in the book:
"Imi pretuieste inteligenta si talentele mai mult decat inima, care e totusi singura mea mandrie [, care e singurul izvor al oricarei fortze, al oricarei fericiri, al oricarui necaz. ] Ah, ceea ce stiu poate sti oricine, dar inima mea e numai a mea! "
I don't know if the reading changed my mood or it was something else too, but i didn't have any desire to go to the french party announced for that evening. Coming home at 10.30 pm I decided around 11.30 to pass by because u never know what could happen.
It wasn't such a big party but I ate some crepes, had some conversations in german, english and spanish and ended up playing basketball at 3.30 am. I lost..damn it. The hair is to be blamed. :P
It is funny 'cause many people told me about the experience of going swimming in the early morning or, different said, during the night. Although i am not such a big fun of the see, of swimming, I think I can understand now their point of view.. by comparing their experience with mine.
The ending?! Again.. expect little and u will be surprised. Hmm.. I think this time I should try to say it a little bit different. More suitable would be: Funny how different the people think and act. You might expect something to happen but u end up 'receiving' something else (i.e. having a surprise - good or bad). Or even if the result is exactly the one you expected you still look surprised. 'Funny'.
"Nu numai mie imi merge asa. Toti oamenii sunt inselati in sperantele si in asteptarile lor."
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