Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2007

Swedish party-Communication problems

As the new students arrived, the parties have started.
(I will post randomly bcs of lack of time).

One of the parties was organized in my dorm in one of the Erasmus flat ( as people are used to call them, although they are students not only in Erasmus contingent ).
The organizing committee: 4 swedish students ( 2 girls and 2 guys).
Here are 3 of them and the 4th one in the 2nd pic.

But why did i want to mention this particular party.
Bcs of a conversation i had with 2 guys. The characters: K, A and M. Why was this conv for me funny?
K speaks with A in english. M doesnt know english. ( only basic )
K speaks with M in german. A doesnt know german. ( not yet at least :D )
A speaks with M in arabic or french. K doesnt know arabic ( only i think 3 words ) and can understand 5 out of 10 words in french.

How do we communicate? =))))))))))))))))))

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