The visit of my childhood best friend
My childhood best friend (L) payed me a visit at the beginning of September.
Except some small incidents and obsessions/paranoia (better to exaggerate in being caution than to get caught without a guard) the time spent with her and her BF (R) was truly nice.
I got to visit some new places and i am grateful for that. To mention are. Wildpark Schwarze Berge and the Baltic See. But i wouldnt forget to mention also the trip to Berlin and the time spent here in HH. It is nice to play the guide. Even when sometimes you think you know the city, you can still discover new things that maybe make you like it (more).
People say that HH is better than Berlin. It is in a way unique not only in architecture but also from the life and surprises that one can live each day. Anyway i will let those people with their idea and still stand by mine and say Berlin is truly one of the best cities in D.. at the moment my 2nd favorite city here.
We took thousands of pics. Too bad i cannot put them all here. Not even all ones that i like. I tried to make a selection and here it is:In order to remember the day very good we should take a look at L's scare on the head. ( I hit her with the bottle :D ) - 27th Sept, 18.15, HH Hbhf
Gorgeous weather - Charlottenburg, Berlin
Charlottenburg, Berlin
She has some problems - Berliner Dom
My favourite building in Berlin - Berliner Dom
Different women - Egyptian Museum
At our residence for the night. Had some problems finding it, but it was ok till the end. - Somewhere in Berlin.
For my father - Hbhf Berlin
Ugly people? Neee.. just fat. - Technisches Museum, Berlin. (Great idea, R. Loved it.)
Back to HH. - Rickmer Rickmers, Hafen HH
Eating ice cream. Good that i gave to Lore my winter jacket :D - Lübeck, Home of the marzipan.
She cannot imitate me that good. :D - Lübeck
Gorgeous weather. Gorgeous picture :D - Lübeck
Yeah.. too dark to see the face. Well. - Lübeck, Puppet museum.
Glad to have the ticket back. 29 Euros :-s . Thought we lost it. Hmm.
Love u guys. Had a lot of fun with u.
And (w)here it is?
vin vin :D