WE at Nordsee
One great weekend. 2 days Fday and Saturday: 15-16 June 2007
Fday: HH-Cuxhaven-Neuwerk-Cuxhaven
Sat: Cuxhaven-Helgoland-Cuxhaven-HH
Organiser: Welcome@TUHH
Fday.. Meeting point: Harburg Bahnhof. Time: 7.10 . Almost missed the train. I arrived at 7.30 :D Good that the bahnhof is near my dorm. Good or ? hmm.. It is their fault for telling me when the train leaves :D
Participants: 26 peopleArrived in Cuxhaven. We didnt have the chance to visit the city bcs of a schedule that had to be followed accordantly.
This is the moment when the adventure starts. ( actually for me it started earlier while running to catch the train and, unfortunately, losing my jacket.. the jacket that i bought in macon, france, 4 years ago :(((( )Our next target: Island Neuwerk.
There are 2 possibilities to reach the island: On ship (that travels once a day) or on foot on low tide ( germ: ebbe ).
Our plan was to go by ship there, eat lunch on the island and go back to cuxhaven on foot.
hehe..i was hardly waiting. The funny part was that some of us didnt understand the part with 'returning to Cuxhaven on foot'. Damn.. and i didnt immortalize the moment when they found out. :d
The trip with the ship took about 2h.
Crazy weather.. by the way.. i forgot to say: wind (so storm on water ) and rain (from time to time)After 1h the people started one by one to come out on the deck. ( I stayed almost the entire time there :D ).
Neuwerk : 44 people, from which 7 are kids. A very peaceful place. Some horses. Some houses. A tower (1 euro entrance) from which u can see how small the island really is ( 1h it takes to go around it). A national park.The weather station on the island:
Stone moving - storm
Stone wet - rain
Stone cannot be seen - fog
Stone white - snow
Stone with shadow - sunny
Stone fallen - earthquake
Stone missing - it has been stolen
After the 2h trip by train and 2h by ship and of course the 200 stairs of the tower we got hungry. The lunch was waiting for us: smoked fish, potatoes, salad.. iammmi.Imagine how it is to eat as much as u can take. Pff.. and moreover imagine how many got sick afterwards.. Greedy people :D ( I was one of them :))))))) )
We had a break of 3 hours bcs at 5 we were supposed to leave. Not a min earlier not a minute later. After a good rest..nobody could have imagined what was expecting us.. 10km walking back to Cuxhaven.. But how? On the bottom of the see.
So..we had to change our cloths ( short pants, jackets, no shoes).
Los!!!Great experience. Great feeling. Sea selves.. worms.. algae.. and other juicy things :D
Passed the half of the distance. When people are getting caught by the flow they climb in these cages and wait for them to be rescued. Only 6 people can get inside. Wtf? We were 26 :))).The water could reach in this point 3m.
Ehh.. well.
At around 8.30 we reached the shore of Cuxhaven. Some of us sad bcs the adventure for that day was over, some happy thinking that a warm bath and a cozy bed was waiting for them. I belong to 1st group.But.. couldnt made it without our great guide.
The day wasnt over. We had our share of warm water, put some dry cloths, had dinner (fish part 2 :D) and decided to continue the 'party' somewhere in a bar and then to end the day with a short (1h) walk on the sand wanting to convince ourselves that the sound of the water hitting the stones isnt in our imagination and that we really walked on the bottom of the see. Crazy..strange feeling.
Gymnastics, shower, a short breakfast, lots of people in the hostel.. packing while looking on the window and praying that the rain will stop.
Next destination: Island Helgoland. The cost of a 2 ways trip by ship: 23 euros :-s (it was already included in the cost of the trip :D).
Bcs of the fact that there are stones along the shore of the island the big ships cannot get too close to it. So the only possibility is with small boats. Hehe.. a short episode of Titanic :))))) (really exciting)Helgoland (germ: Heiliges Land): 1500 inhabitants. Germany's farthest island in the north see. A duty free zone. So..cheaper drinks, but more over.. cheaper sweeeeeeeeets.
Can u really believe i was here? Bcs i cannot..
We took some cards (30cents each), some After Eight( :D ) and toblerone, a present for a friend (a party was planned in the eve) and.. some cherries from a tree. Helgoland was ready to be left behind.
The funny part is that on the way back the sun smiled a little. Crazy.. 1h out of more than 36.Looking back while the island was disappearing bit by bit i was thinking that 92,7% i will not go there anymore. Money? The need of visiting other places same as exciting as these ones? Dunno.
Best trip ever..in the middle of nature.
Great people. I couldnt have imagined u could get along so well in a company of 25 people.
Shortly ending the story:
Ebbe und Flut.. Muscheln.. Lechtturm.. Felsen.. Mehr als 1000 Photos.. eine tolle Erfahrung
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