Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007
Sonntag, 24. Juni 2007
WE at Nordsee
One great weekend. 2 days Fday and Saturday: 15-16 June 2007
Fday: HH-Cuxhaven-Neuwerk-Cuxhaven
Sat: Cuxhaven-Helgoland-Cuxhaven-HH
Organiser: Welcome@TUHH
Fday.. Meeting point: Harburg Bahnhof. Time: 7.10 . Almost missed the train. I arrived at 7.30 :D Good that the bahnhof is near my dorm. Good or ? hmm.. It is their fault for telling me when the train leaves :D
Participants: 26 peopleArrived in Cuxhaven. We didnt have the chance to visit the city bcs of a schedule that had to be followed accordantly.
This is the moment when the adventure starts. ( actually for me it started earlier while running to catch the train and, unfortunately, losing my jacket.. the jacket that i bought in macon, france, 4 years ago :(((( )Our next target: Island Neuwerk.
There are 2 possibilities to reach the island: On ship (that travels once a day) or on foot on low tide ( germ: ebbe ).
Our plan was to go by ship there, eat lunch on the island and go back to cuxhaven on foot.
hehe..i was hardly waiting. The funny part was that some of us didnt understand the part with 'returning to Cuxhaven on foot'. Damn.. and i didnt immortalize the moment when they found out. :d
The trip with the ship took about 2h.
Crazy weather.. by the way.. i forgot to say: wind (so storm on water ) and rain (from time to time)After 1h the people started one by one to come out on the deck. ( I stayed almost the entire time there :D ).
Neuwerk : 44 people, from which 7 are kids. A very peaceful place. Some horses. Some houses. A tower (1 euro entrance) from which u can see how small the island really is ( 1h it takes to go around it). A national park.The weather station on the island:
Stone moving - storm
Stone wet - rain
Stone cannot be seen - fog
Stone white - snow
Stone with shadow - sunny
Stone fallen - earthquake
Stone missing - it has been stolen
After the 2h trip by train and 2h by ship and of course the 200 stairs of the tower we got hungry. The lunch was waiting for us: smoked fish, potatoes, salad.. iammmi.Imagine how it is to eat as much as u can take. Pff.. and moreover imagine how many got sick afterwards.. Greedy people :D ( I was one of them :))))))) )
We had a break of 3 hours bcs at 5 we were supposed to leave. Not a min earlier not a minute later. After a good rest..nobody could have imagined what was expecting us.. 10km walking back to Cuxhaven.. But how? On the bottom of the see.
So..we had to change our cloths ( short pants, jackets, no shoes).
Los!!!Great experience. Great feeling. Sea selves.. worms.. algae.. and other juicy things :D
Passed the half of the distance. When people are getting caught by the flow they climb in these cages and wait for them to be rescued. Only 6 people can get inside. Wtf? We were 26 :))).The water could reach in this point 3m.
Ehh.. well.
At around 8.30 we reached the shore of Cuxhaven. Some of us sad bcs the adventure for that day was over, some happy thinking that a warm bath and a cozy bed was waiting for them. I belong to 1st group.But.. couldnt made it without our great guide.
The day wasnt over. We had our share of warm water, put some dry cloths, had dinner (fish part 2 :D) and decided to continue the 'party' somewhere in a bar and then to end the day with a short (1h) walk on the sand wanting to convince ourselves that the sound of the water hitting the stones isnt in our imagination and that we really walked on the bottom of the see. Crazy..strange feeling.
Gymnastics, shower, a short breakfast, lots of people in the hostel.. packing while looking on the window and praying that the rain will stop.
Next destination: Island Helgoland. The cost of a 2 ways trip by ship: 23 euros :-s (it was already included in the cost of the trip :D).
Bcs of the fact that there are stones along the shore of the island the big ships cannot get too close to it. So the only possibility is with small boats. Hehe.. a short episode of Titanic :))))) (really exciting)Helgoland (germ: Heiliges Land): 1500 inhabitants. Germany's farthest island in the north see. A duty free zone. So..cheaper drinks, but more over.. cheaper sweeeeeeeeets.
Can u really believe i was here? Bcs i cannot..
We took some cards (30cents each), some After Eight( :D ) and toblerone, a present for a friend (a party was planned in the eve) and.. some cherries from a tree. Helgoland was ready to be left behind.
The funny part is that on the way back the sun smiled a little. Crazy.. 1h out of more than 36.Looking back while the island was disappearing bit by bit i was thinking that 92,7% i will not go there anymore. Money? The need of visiting other places same as exciting as these ones? Dunno.
Best trip ever..in the middle of nature.
Great people. I couldnt have imagined u could get along so well in a company of 25 people.
Shortly ending the story:
Ebbe und Flut.. Muscheln.. Lechtturm.. Felsen.. Mehr als 1000 Photos.. eine tolle Erfahrung
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Also in D can happen
I went today around noon to the lake near my dorm.. for the usual ( not in the last days ) portion of jogging.
It took me a while to get out of the house. Keys, tissues, watch, some hair pins (damn it's getting longer) and my bottle of water ( if i run an hour and make also some gymnastics afterwards i need some water.. and besides that.. it was a warm day ).
Arrived in the park. Sooo many people.. walking, running, some on bikes, some just sitting and enjoying the sun over an ice cream. Great weather.
I started my jogging having planed 2 rounds.. 40 min. I threw the bottle on the grass (in movement) and took the right direction (as usual). After 1 round i looked at my bottle and i realized it was in the sun.. Pfff.. 'I will drink warm water. Na..macht nichts. Es ist doch was zum Trinken.'
After passing the moment when u feel sooo tired that u think: ' ok.. 10 meters and i stop', i said now i can do some more rounds. I did only 1 more, bcs i got soooo thirsty, that only my bottle of water was on my mind.
After 60min i arrived at the starting point.. looking in the direction where i left my bottle. Wtf??????? I couldn't see it. Where the hell..? Did somebody moved it? Did somebody considered it garbage? Did someone took it bcs he/she was thirsty or bcs he/she needed the bottle? Or was it the wind? Damn it..
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Montag, 18. Juni 2007
Ce este Blankenese?
Pe scurt: cea mai scumpa zona din HH in care daca ai locui ai avea prilejul sa iti bei cafeaua de dimineatza cu picioarele pe balustrada balconului admirand privelistea oferita de Elba.Poza aceasta imi aminteste putin de Monte Carlo.. desi diferenta e mare. Fiecare dintre cele 2 locuri are farmecul lui.
Duminica trecuta am decis din cauza caldurii sufocante sa fac o plimbare cu rolele. Si ce a fost in capul meu? Sa ma duc pana in Blankenese (cam o ora de la mine) cu S-bahnul si sa o iau pe jos inapoi pe malul garlei (Elbei adik). Cam gresita a fost alegerea mea. In principal pentru ca nu stiam cum e acolo, daca exista sa nu posibilitate de a te da cu rolele. Sa o vezi pe K 100m role in picioare, 200m role in mana.
Am mers ce am mers pana nu am zis ok.. cred ca tre sa scurtam distanta. Am luat un autobuz pana la gara Altona ( Un nod feroviar important in HH )De la Altona pana in Landungsbrücken si de aici pana la central station (cum se anuntza in metrou).
Ideea mea de a pierde putine timp cu rolele s-a transformat in mers si dat din roti cateva ore bune pe o caldura de a 2-a zi ma ustura putin pielea.
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Sonntag, 10. Juni 2007
Ce e Reeperbahn? Este o zona in HH cu cluburi de diferite tipuri (de fitze, cu muzica dansabila, cu muzica live, unele in care numai barbatii au voie sa intre - ma abtin :| ), cu puburi sau kneipen de 5mp unde pui ce muzica vrei si bei cu toata lumea laolalta, cu shopuri fie ele erotice, de dönere, caini fierbinti sau alte cele.
Am dat o raita ieri pe acolo incercand locurile. Din pacate pe canicula venita si in port nu prea mai ai cum sa stai inauntru, darmite sa si dansezi incercand sa te misti si cel mai important sa respiri.
Prefer sa sar peste partea de Night of Science ce fuse ieri de pe la 5pm la 1am (cum zice un amic de-al meu: rausgeschmisstes Geld si cum zice romanu': bani aruncati pe fereastra ) si sa arat o parte a vietii de noapte din HH.Putina lume nu? Asha arata zona pe la un 1 juma sambata noaptea.
A se vedea in prim plan o fata care pare a avea un voal pe cap. Frapant a fost sa vad cate grupuri de bacilori, mai multe bacilorete erau azi noapte pe Reeperbahn. Ce se poate spune despre astfel de persoane? Pasionate / Limitate ? Bine e zona in care ai putea face cam tot ce iti trece prin cap.. dar ca sa iti petreci noaptea de dinaintea nuntii acolo.. hmm.. nush..
Fiecare cu viatza lui.Zona se prelungeste cu cartierul care poarta numele de St. Pauli, in care gasesti, pe langa o echipa de fotbal, teatre, baruri si cam tot aceleasi lucruri. Desi oarecum mai select. Dar e zona de desfasurare a fetelor cu borsete :) .
Si HHul are un Moulin Rouge al lui. :)
China Lounge - un club cu mai multe etaje. 3 la numar. Al meu preferat e cel de la subsol cu R&B si Rap. ( Am amintiri faine din locul asta )
Alta fatza a Reeperbahnului. Restaurante clasice cu oameni intolitzi, muzicanti amatori sau pasionati, oameni care vor sa se simta inteligenti la ore inaintate ale noptii si orice permite imaginatia:
ahh.. to add.. joia e seara studenteasca pe Reeperbahn. Adica intri gratis cu legitimatia de student. Nu prea mai am cum sa uit partea asta, dupa ce intr-o joi cine nu avea legitimatia?! :| Again.. rausgeschmisstes Geld.
Acesta e pe scurt locul unde majoritatea daca nu toti exchange studentii isi petrec cred ca 4 zile din 7 ( daca nu mai mult ) ale saptamanii.
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Fday at the exhibition
Me :) (thanks to J)
O noua zi a venit in care am plecat cu 'clasa' la o expozitie. De data asta la Kunsthalle (cel mai mare muzeu aici in HH) sa vizitam expozitia lui Malewitsch (en: Malevic).
Expozitia artistului ucrainiano-ruso-polonez a purtat numele de 'Das schwarze Quadrat' ( tradus: The black square' ), deci totul se reduce la patratul negru.
Pe mine una nu m-a atras prea mult ceea ce am vazut. Pot sa marturisesc ca daca nu as fi avut aparatu' foto m-ash cam fi plictisit.
Din sumar:
There were some discussions following the exhibition..
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Dienstag, 5. Juni 2007
One super WE
Tradus: Vineri - rollerblading / Sambata - Zoo / Duminica - 4ter Veritas Hafenlauf ( tradus: prima mea cursa in D ) + Hafensgeburtstag (tradus: ziua portului).
Un uichend cam obositor, care a cuprins rollerblading cam 5 ore vineri, petrecerea a inca vreo 5 ore printre pesti si animale care mai de care la Zoo sambata (super Geschäft: in loc de 21 de euro am platit 5.50e), am crezut ca nu pot face fatza pe o vreme care se anuntza a fi destul de calda la alergarea de duminica.
Dar ce sa vezi am terminat cursa de 10km pe locul 27 per total, dar 9 la femei. Femeile astea.. sunt mai incete ce sa le faci.
I got a medal..ehh.. arata nice. Macar asha ca in Ro nu primeam nimik si de 3 ani tot ieseam acolo in fatza si nimik.
Asha.. ce am mai primit..ahh..5 mere golden..multa apa minerala. Mai puteam primi si un masaj gratuit dar nu am vrut. :)
Tipa care a castigat cursa la femei a fost per total a 2-a.. la mica distanta de tipul de castiga. la inmanarea premiilor nici o grimasa, nici un zambet. 'Ehh..inca o cursa castigata' sau 'Damn..nu am putut fi prima per total.'
Partea funny am lasat-o pentru final.
Cu vreo 2..3km inainte de finish m-am cam enervat ca am zis ca alerg prea incet si am accelerat super tare ( mi-a placut partea asta ) si am depasit-o pe una. La final sa aflu ca am iesit pe 9 la femei. F fain. Super bun timp: 45min pentru 10km.
Daaaar..acum partea faina: locul 10 a castigat o masina pe uichend. :O:O:O:O :(((((( Ghinion sau wtf?
Crosul a fost cu ocazia zilei portului. Cateva standuri, alte cateva manifestari. M-am dat cu canoele de 10 ( mi-a placut enorm ), am facut o groaza de poze. Lume care mai de care.
Din cuprins:
1) Rollerblading
2) Zoo
3) Hafenlauf
Dar cam atat.
Inapoi la realitate..
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