Internat (W's Day + ditching Theorem) ----- 8 March
Ieri le-am trimis mamei si matusii mele cate un mail avand fiecare cate o poza cu un buchet de flori, ca doar ziua de 8 Martie e pentru mine mai mult 'Ziua Mamei' decat ziua internationala a femeii.
Pentru mama am ales gerbera fiind 90% sigura ca sunt florile ei preferate. As fi vrut sa fiu 100% sigura. Well.. cannot be.
Surpriza a venit, citind acum replyul matusii mele, ca am avut inspiratie in alegerea lacrimioarelor pe care i le-am trimis ei. Cuvintele ei exacte au fost 'ceva foarte emotinant pentru mine', povestindu-mi si care este motivul.
M-a facut sa zambesc stiind ca am putut face o surpriza placuta.
Tot ieri am fost pe la uni sa las cele 6 carti de care nu mai am nevoie, examenele corespunzatoare trecand. Nu stiam ce o sa fac dupa aceea. trebui sa gasesc o modalitate de a-mi planifica timpul. Dar din pacate pana acum nu s-a dovedit a-mi iesi ceea ce imi propun sa fac. Mereu iese altfel. Well..
M-am intalnit cu NITul. Aveau cursuri. A fost o surpriza faina. I got a 'Happy Bday' ( huh? in mintea mea. My Bday is like months away. And then 'Doh!'). Am primit si o floare (Interesant fiind faptul ca, desi nu imi plac florile, cea pe care am primit-o ieri este cea pe care as numi-o 'my favourite'.)
Intalnirea cu ei a fost ca o oarecum scoatere din starea mea.. cel putin pentru putin timp.
I went to the lib and then to the pc pool. Man.. this job hunting ( printre schimbul de mailuri cu fostii colegi de la bmx ) sucks.
Cu aceasta ocazie am stabilit sa ne luam nishte timp liber si sa incercam nishte salsa. In fiecare joi in Repperbahn, mai exact Grosse Freihait 36, e ..nobody freak.. noche latino.
That wasnt the point for going there.. for me at least. I needed to dance. And this is what i did. But not salsa. Bcs after the lesson ends, nice music starts. I needed to feel the music and dance without caring ab anything. Thank god i know how to dance.
The show goes like this. From 9.30 til 10.30 is an hour of lesson. How to dance salsa. It was nice to watch people showing their incapacities by trying to dance in pairs. It is surprising how u can dance really good alone but when it comes to prove it in 2 it can be disastrous.
Another thing that was/is surprising for me, besides a lot of normal and ugly people, is that it is sad to be a beautiful girl and not to know how to dance. There where a lot of this type of girls / women in the club.
Ahh.. well.. u cannot have it all. :)
The funny perhaps stupid part is that a part of the group left around 00.30 saying ( agitating themselves) that 'we have to go'. Asking for the reason i got the same line. :|
Later to find out that they were in a hurry bcs the last S-Bahn would have left in 10 min. Verdammt..
So..2 guys and me left on Repperbahn without any chance ( apparently ) to go back home til 4.50. Pffff..
Suddenly i didnt feel like dancing anymore.. so we decided perhaps to change the club. When we got out I was surprized to see so many people at the entrance. 'Frauen freier Eintritt'.. toll, aber vergebens.
We didnt feel like going anywhere anymore so we decided to ask some policemen from where could we get the 'Nachtbus'.
To keep it shortly: 2 Night buses, sad or tired people in and not less than 2h for a way that shouldn't take more than 30 min.
An usual Thursday?
PS1: Apparently the thing with ditching ur friends is international. That's sad, but again not surprising.
PS2: Vreau muceniiiiiici. :((((( Mamaaaaaa
Ce buni mucenici am mancat :D Am primit de la mama pachet ;))