Mittwoch, 28. März 2007

exam period finished - mini holiday started

i ve just had my last exam. actually i have one more, but it is in the 2nd semester, which btw starts this monday (wtf?!?!).
So i can say.. today ended the 3 loooooong months in which i finished ~100 liters of juice and tee, perhaps the same nr of kilos of fruits and tea, not to mention the pens, papers and phosphorescent markers Faber Castell, but more important nerves.. a loooot of nerves.

It was a disastrous exam period. But i dont want to talk ab it anymore.
It is a gorgeous weather, tomorrow is Thursday and, more over, starting from tomorrow morning i will be in holiday 'Out of Office AutoReply: I am enjoying ( geniesse ) my Easter present.'
Why tomorrow? Bcs die Bahn has an angebot (offer) till end of this month: 29e HH-Berlin-HH. But the actual reason is that BB is going back to Romania (aka home) on 31st. So no place to live for me anymore :D

I hardly wait to enjoy every moment on the street of my 2nd favorite city in D. This would be my 2nd time in Berlin. 1st time it was in 2003 ( i think ) when taize winter meeting was in HH. So i had the chance to stay around 12h in Berlin. But believe me, it wasnt enough. And anyway i wasnt able to do whatever i wanted, not being alone.
So.. now it is going to be a 2-person trip: me and myself :))
Ahh... and the (not mine) camera, my backpack, my city plan (i know the city but still. I need sometimes also in HH one, and i am here for 5 months - celebrated on 23th march).

Feeling relaxed thinking that this time tomorrow i will be in front of / inside an important building. Will it be the Dom, a museum, Brandenburger Tor, Reichstag..uuu.. they are so many.

Ok.. now back to my today plans: some jogging, some washing in the house, some writing, some meeting a friend, spending together his last moments in HH and taking him to the airport, some getting ready for tomorrow ( gepäck, deciding on itineraries)..

Freitag, 23. März 2007

Ende eines Semesters

Care sunt diferentele dintre a fi student erasmus si student la master?

Se pot combina cele 2 notiuni? Ma refer in comportament.
Student Erasmus: Invetzi bine in timpul celor 4,5 ani ( acum 3,4 ani ) sau, mai bine zis, incerci sa fii printre primii pe specializarea ta. Te uiti sa vezi cu cine are facultatea ta intelegeri. Aplici si cu nitel noroc pleci pentru un semestru sau 1 an avand in minte ' ma duc acolo, intalnesc lume noua, imi fac prieteni, vad cum se misca sistemul prin alte parti si revin. Incerc sa imi echivalez materiile. Mai stau 1 an, doi in facultate si dupa vedem. '
Cum decurge acel semestru in strainataturi?
Te duci la uni-ul abroad. Intalnesti o groaza de alti studenti. Cei mai multi Erasmus. Ca doar nu stai cu studentii obisnuiti sau cu masteranzii. Ce faci in timpul semestrului? Politica unui student Erasmus este: 'We are Erasmus, we party' . Deci mergi la toate petrecerile posibile, din camine, de prin barurile caminelor, prin toate cluburile posibile. Te duci si pe la cursuri. Mai retii cate o notiune, doua. Asta daca nu adormi in timp ce profesorul incearca sa urmareasca, fie cu privirea, fie cu batul alb cu varf roshu, randul de pe slideul proiectat pe ecranul atarnat in fatza clasei ( asta se intampla indiferent de ce fel de student esti ).
La sfarsit de an alegi ori sa te duci pana acasa, ca deja ti-e dor de 'ei' ori alegi sa vizitezi cate o tzara vecina, ca doar nu stii cand o sa mai ai ocazia sa vii prin locurile acestea.
Revii la inceput de an. Te apuci sa invetzi cate ceva ca au venit deja examenele. Trebuie sa te duci sa vorbesti cu cate un profesor sa vezi cand are timp sa dai examenul oral, pentru ca nu poti sta pana la sfarsitul sesiunii sa dai scrisul ca toata lumea.
Dar nu uiti ca din cand in cand mai trebuie sa iei o pauza din invatzat si te mai vezi prin cate un apartament la o bere, doua, la un shot de tequila pentru a povesti cum a fost pe unde ai fost de craciun / revelion (sau?!). Pana sa te dezmeticesti din examene, deja trebuie sa te gandesti cine pleaca in acelasi timp ca sa te cuplezi pentru petrecerea de adio.
Si asa incep din nou stramutarile din apartament in apartament. Azi intr-unul. Toata lumea bere, vodka, tequila si alte cele pana pe la un 3,4 dimineatza. Iei o pauza de o zi, doua si afli ca si tipul/tipa de la etajul 2 din caminul X pleaca si da petrecere. Deci participi si acolo la sedintza foto nebuna ce va ramane amintire si va fi povestita prietenilor de akas.
Cu parere de rau, incepi sa faci curat in camera, in dulapul din bucatarie poate si in baie si te indrepti catre aeroport.

Cam asta e viatza unui Erasmus.

Cum arata un masterand?
Vazut prin ochii unui Erasmus : plictisitor.
Vazut prin ochii unui masterand: o parte plictisitori, o parte erasmus. Depinde de firea fiecaruia, depinde care dintre cele doua caractere se manifesta mai mult.

Pe scurt un masterand are mai multe griji decat un erasmus. Intr-adevar poate fi plictisitor uneori, dar asta numai pentru ca spre deosebire de celalalt grup un eventual esec se repara mai greu.

Dar cine devine mai trist la sfarsit de semestru? Un student care vine aici numai pentru o perioada de 5,6 luni, isi face prieteni prin toata lumea si la sfarsit de semestru pleaca in directia lui, constient si bucuros ca isi va revedea prietenii de akas sau un student care si-a facut prieteni in toata lumea si ii vede plecand gandindu-se ca la inceput de sementru nou trebuie sa isi faca noi prieteni pe care inevitabil ii va vedea plecand in 5 luni.


Nota: In acest articol, masterand nu se refera la studentul care pleaca tot printr-un program erasmus pentru un semestru abroad din cele 4 pe care le are programul de master in tara lui ( acestia sunt raritati ). Se refera la studentul venit ori cu o alt fel de bursa ori pe cont propriu.

Mittwoch, 21. März 2007

Bowling in HH

2007 mar 18

Duminica am fost la bowling, prima oara in HH. Faina atmosfera. Copii cam multi ( nu grupul meu ). Preturi cam mari. Platit doar o parte. Noroc ca s-a inventat notiunea de sponsor. :)
3 piste: 1 englisch/deutsch sprechend, 2 turkisch sprechend =)))))

Era sa ma si iau la hartza cu unul dintre cei 10 avand nationalitatea descrisa mai sus. Un ingamfat. Parca semana cu unul pe care il intalnesti pe strada prin bucuresti cu pretena la 4 ace si el in pantaloni scurti, tricou 'de firma' si papuci / adidasi albi 'tot de firma'. Sau poate putem compara si cu unul de prin vreun club bucurestean de fitze ( nu stiu exact cum e, ca nu le-am frecventat niciodata ) .

But anyway.. he was 1. It was nice to hv something to remember me about home :)

I sucked, as expected, but it was a nice distraction.

Zapada si prin HH

2007 febr 09

Acum 2 zile am luat niste poze de la unul dintre flatmates si am zis ca una merita postata. Asta ca sa naruiesc mitul cum ca in HH nu ar ninge.


Freitag, 16. März 2007

Spring : Pros and Cons

Pros: outdoor basketball, jogging in shorts and t-shirt, inline skating, outdoor tennis
Con(s): this bloody spring feeling ( melancholy or whatever ), no more skiing, no more ice skating, no more cold weather => no more snow

..any more ideas?

thanks to skandalouz

Nice idea.
I tried 2 tests. They seem to have not too many choices ( bad interface ). But strange the answer appears to be true or?

This is one:

Q:What Year Should You Have Been Born Under?

A:You Should Have Been Born Under "Year of Horse"
You've got a ton of energy - and need plenty of room to roam. (true)
You tend to follow your whims, and it's hard for you to stick to one thing. (is it?)
Specific jobs, loves, and friends are always changing and never a part of your life for long. (huh?)
Very intuitive, you tend to know what people are thinking before they say a word. (true)

You are most compatible with a Dog or Tiger. ( what the hell?!)

..anyway.. it was a nice distraction..

Mittwoch, 14. März 2007

Wie dumm kann man sein..

Wunderschönes Wetter. Warm, Sonne. Die beste Zeit für T-Shirt, Shorts, Joggen, Basketball.. und andere Sportarten, die man einem einfallen kann.

Letztes WE habe ich damit angefangen. Am Samstag zum letzten Mal zum Schlittschuhlaufen (beste Art vom Winter sich zu verabschieden ) und am Sonntag schon draussen Basketball.

Heute morgen bin ich zum Joggen um den See. Das war ganz toll.
Ich liebe Winter, aber auch das war toll. Nicht halt.. nicht warm.. perfekt.

Bei Rückkehr gehe/laufe ich am Basketballfeld vorbei. Da gibt auch ein Fußballplatz.

And the dumm story beginns..
Some guys were playing football there. Their ball gets over the fence. Bcs i was passing by, although jogging, i said let's help them. Let's do some good for today. :)
Thinking: 'ehh.. it is soooo easy. Let me show them i can do it'.
1st try: Start running, hit the ball, the ball hits the fence 'Grrrr X( ..' .
2nd try ('Come on.. u can do it. U just have to hit it harder and a little higher'): the ball hits the fence again.
This time even lower ' $&(/%"$§.. ' .
Ok..u dont have much time. Let's leave it and give them the ball on the side, where the fence isnt higher than 1m.
..Take the ball, start running and throw ( hands this time) the ball without stopping. The ball hits the tinny fence. Wtf?!?!?!? Am i dumm or what?
Putting my girl face i started smiling and kept on climbing the small hill that went into the park. :D
.. thinking.. ' isnt so stupid.. i have an excuse: i am doch a girl.'

crap.. i could easily have done it X(X(

ehh well..

Samstag, 10. März 2007

EXARHU: Pe trecere de frustrati

Gardul lipsa dintre mitocanie si educatie..
Exarhu: Placut de citit ca intotdeauna.
Senzatia: Totul e trist si amuzant in acelasi timp.

Freitag, 9. März 2007

Internat (W's Day + ditching Theorem) ----- 8 March

Ieri le-am trimis mamei si matusii mele cate un mail avand fiecare cate o poza cu un buchet de flori, ca doar ziua de 8 Martie e pentru mine mai mult 'Ziua Mamei' decat ziua internationala a femeii.
Pentru mama am ales gerbera fiind 90% sigura ca sunt florile ei preferate. As fi vrut sa fiu 100% sigura. Well.. cannot be.
Surpriza a venit, citind acum replyul matusii mele, ca am avut inspiratie in alegerea lacrimioarelor pe care i le-am trimis ei. Cuvintele ei exacte au fost 'ceva foarte emotinant pentru mine', povestindu-mi si care este motivul.
M-a facut sa zambesc stiind ca am putut face o surpriza placuta.

Tot ieri am fost pe la uni sa las cele 6 carti de care nu mai am nevoie, examenele corespunzatoare trecand. Nu stiam ce o sa fac dupa aceea. trebui sa gasesc o modalitate de a-mi planifica timpul. Dar din pacate pana acum nu s-a dovedit a-mi iesi ceea ce imi propun sa fac. Mereu iese altfel. Well..
M-am intalnit cu NITul. Aveau cursuri. A fost o surpriza faina. I got a 'Happy Bday' ( huh? in mintea mea. My Bday is like months away. And then 'Doh!'). Am primit si o floare (Interesant fiind faptul ca, desi nu imi plac florile, cea pe care am primit-o ieri este cea pe care as numi-o 'my favourite'.)
Intalnirea cu ei a fost ca o oarecum scoatere din starea mea.. cel putin pentru putin timp.
I went to the lib and then to the pc pool. Man.. this job hunting ( printre schimbul de mailuri cu fostii colegi de la bmx ) sucks.

Cu aceasta ocazie am stabilit sa ne luam nishte timp liber si sa incercam nishte salsa. In fiecare joi in Repperbahn, mai exact Grosse Freihait 36, e ..nobody freak.. noche latino.

That wasnt the point for going there.. for me at least. I needed to dance. And this is what i did. But not salsa. Bcs after the lesson ends, nice music starts. I needed to feel the music and dance without caring ab anything. Thank god i know how to dance.
The show goes like this. From 9.30 til 10.30 is an hour of lesson. How to dance salsa. It was nice to watch people showing their incapacities by trying to dance in pairs. It is surprising how u can dance really good alone but when it comes to prove it in 2 it can be disastrous.
Another thing that was/is surprising for me, besides a lot of normal and ugly people, is that it is sad to be a beautiful girl and not to know how to dance. There where a lot of this type of girls / women in the club.
Ahh.. well.. u cannot have it all. :)

The funny perhaps stupid part is that a part of the group left around 00.30 saying ( agitating themselves) that 'we have to go'. Asking for the reason i got the same line. :|
Later to find out that they were in a hurry bcs the last S-Bahn would have left in 10 min. Verdammt..
So..2 guys and me left on Repperbahn without any chance ( apparently ) to go back home til 4.50. Pffff..
Suddenly i didnt feel like dancing anymore.. so we decided perhaps to change the club. When we got out I was surprized to see so many people at the entrance. 'Frauen freier Eintritt'.. toll, aber vergebens.

We didnt feel like going anywhere anymore so we decided to ask some policemen from where could we get the 'Nachtbus'.
To keep it shortly: 2 Night buses, sad or tired people in and not less than 2h for a way that shouldn't take more than 30 min.

An usual Thursday?

PS1: Apparently the thing with ditching ur friends is international. That's sad, but again not surprising.
PS2: Vreau muceniiiiiici. :((((( Mamaaaaaa

Dienstag, 6. März 2007

a day i deserve to be lazy

Another exam out of 10 mils.. went away.
Although i cant afford it i took a day off from everything. I needed to be lazy for 1 day.
After watching 2 movies yday night and doing anything else but sleeping i managed to fell asleep around 4 and, hell knows way, waking up at 8.30 :| (damn it).
Wrestling to find again the peaceful sleep that i need so badly i fell asleep dreaming so many stupid and tiering things ab me (as usual), ab my highschool colleagues (why?) and other things.

yday when i was wrapping all my stuff from the kitchen ( my study place ) my flatmate ( the turkish one ) , while he was preparing his breakfast/lunch, stell die Frage: ' K, do u think that lazy people are stupid?'
Me thinking: 'what should i answer.. what should i answer'
Answer: 'No.. they are only lazy'.. made a break and continued: 'i know so many people that are smart but lazy'
How is it actually?


Without any connection ( oriented or not )..

" the end of my life I'll look back on my life
and I'll know that my life was good
At the end of my life I'll look back on my life
and see I went after you like I should
I went after what I wanted I went after what I wanted
and I never really got it but it don't matter at all"

"I've been high I've been low
I've been fast I've been slow
I've had nowhere to go
Missed the bus missed the show
I've been down on my luck
I've felt like giving up
My life locked in a trunk
I couldn't rest I had to keep on searching"

Freitag, 2. März 2007

die Schweine nicht die schmutzigsten Tiere

Heutiger ymess Status : ' Wer glaubte die Schweine sind die schmutzigsten Tiere, der sollte zum 3.3.3. kommen.'
Übersetzung: meine Mitbewohner.
Vielleicht bin ich ein Ordnungsfreak, aber ich denke, man übertreibt nicht, wenn man bemerkt, dass auch der kleinste Respekt, der sich dieses Haus ( nicht ich oder der, der alles sauber macht) verdient hat, fehlt im Ganzen.

Schade und Frust.. aber man soll lernen, Kompromisse zu suchen. Oder?!

Aber doch gibt es was, das mir den Tag versüßt: eine Karte mit meiner (derzeit) Lieblingssängerin.
Obwohl die einige Fehler enthält ( ich kann doch nicht schweigen :| ) , wie z.B. meinen Namen oder die PLZ, ist die eine schöne Überraschung.

Donnerstag, 1. März 2007

Cum sa fii diplomat(a)

tocmai ce m-am intors de la alergat in jurul parcului. Se pare ca de cand am scris postul anterior a aparut si pe aici soarele ( nici nu te poti uita in balta in care inevitabil in timpul joggingului calci ).
ok..dar nu de asta am vrut sa scriu, ci despre ce m-a cam enerveaza de cateva zile: unul dintre colegii mei de apartament.

pe scurt povestea suna asha:
e erasmus venit numai pentru un semestru. asta inseamna ca peste 2 saptamani pleaca.
In urma cu o luna.. doua a fost cateva zile akas. Enigmatic referitor la motivul pentru care a trebuit sa dispara mi-a trecut prin minte ca ar incerca sa ramana aici inca un semestru. Nu ar fi primul care ar face asta. A negat si se pare ca nu asta a fost motivul ca doar pleaca in curand.
Surpriza / Shocul vine de la faptul ca in prima zi cand am intrat in apartament ( dupa ce s-a intors) nu am mai simtit mirosul de 'mancare' chinezeasca sau mirosul colegei din rusia ( am crezut ca numai turcii ( majoritatea ) nu isi dau cu parfum - scuze dar asta e adevarul ) sau mirosul a la India. Ceea ce m-a izbit a fost mirosul de tzigara si, ulterior, cartushul in cutia galbena de gunoi. M-am shocat. Nu ma asteptam la asha ceva. Am zis ok.. poate e numai o intamplare. Ca e ieftin akas la el. Pentru o perioada nu am mai simtit nici un miros de genul asta.
Insa.. acum in fiecare zi cand vin de la alergat imi vine sa vomit ( frumos spus: mi se face rau ) cand trec pe langa camera lui.

Intrebarea este: Ii fac observatie ( desi nu sunt genul care sa spuna adevarul diplomatic, deci risc sa il reped si sa stricam ceva din relatia de prietenie - e baiat bun ) sau il las asha stiind ca peste putin timp pleaca?!
Raspuns: keine Ahnung.

PS: dk asta e 'pe scurt'.. pe lung cum o suna? ( h h h )

martzishor ( -z , -h ) si babe

noroc cu skandalouz ca mi-a adus aminte ieri sa imi aleg baba. Ehh.. e prestabilita de atatia ani, dar sa nu uit sa sper ca va fi frumoasa. Poate macar asa sunt sanse ca anul asta sa nu fiu a bitch :) .

Macar baba sa mi-o aleg, ca martzishor de unde. Nu e universal.
Dar macar ziua de 8 März este internationala

Dar intrebarea e unde ma uit la vreme in RO sau in HH? Pana anul asta nu aveam de ce sa ma gandesc la asta. Este un obicei romanesc, deci in RO? Dar daca nu esti in RO, te adaptezi la vremea de dincolo? Sau o combinatie? Nu prea se poate asa ceva.

Astazi pentru cei din RO este o zi faina. Aici deja obisnuita ploaie, desi daca imi aduc aminte, acum 2 zile a fost ceva grindina. Ma bucurasem crezand ca poate mai am ocazia sa vad nametzi de zapada. De unde?!

Cele mai importante momente pentru mine referitor la ziua de 1 Martie: o zambila de la tata si pana acum 4 ani o floare de la my bro (ca acum ne-am internationalizat amandoi). Cred ca erau singurele momente in care imi placeau florile.
Se spune ca atunci cand nu mai esti aproape de un lucru, iti doresti sa il ai. Poate de aia acum ma gandesc ca e totusi o sarbatoare interesanta ( un amic foarte bun a caracterizat-o ca fiind pagana :)) )

Dar dk ma gandesc e mai bine sa primesti o floare ( nu tine mult ) sau un lucru pe care poti sa il folosesti decat 'traditionalele' martisoare pe care trebuie ( poate nu cel mai potrivit cuvant ) sa le pui la vedere si dupa sa le pui intr-un sertar al biroului. Acum nush.. depinde si de la cine vin.

Pana atunci.. o primavara faina tuturor ( m ) si un martzishor care poate sa fie si o floare ( f ).

PS: Primavara faina daca stim sa pacalim / sa ne ascundem de infectia numita ' Astenie '.