Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2009

Mit Strom-, Gas-Idealo und Rostock ins Weihnachten rein

Monate sind vorbei und viel ist inzwischen passiert. Zeit drüber zu schreiben findet man kaum.

Ein meiner Lieblingsthemen ist Städtereisen. Und so geht es in diesem Post um Rostock. Es wird nicht viel erzählt weil die Zeit das nicht erlaubt, aber einiges wird's erwähnt.
Eine sehr schöne Stadt. Es lohnt sich auf jeden Fall Sommer würde ich sagen, weil man dann die Chance hat, sich in die Wässer der Ostsee zu baden. Man braucht nur 20 min im Auto bis zu Warnemünde, einem Ortteil Rostocks.

Für einen kürzeren o längeren Urlaub könnte man zB im Hotel Citymaxx übernachten, das nicht weit vom Rostocks Zentrum liegt.

Und nachdem man überzeugt ist, dass Rostock eine echt gemütliche Stadt ist, kann man sich auch überlegen, ob man da für eine längere Periode wohnen will.
Bevor man diese Entscheidung trifft, muss man sich auf die Gaspreise in Rostock und Umgebung anschauen und checken ob der Gaspreis günstiger in Rostock oder Warnemünde ist als da wo man zurzeit wohnt.
Wie das folgende Foto zeigt, werben die Stadtwerke Rostock mit Ostsee-Strom, Fernwärme, Erdgas.

Hier sind zwei Links die man noch dafür verwenden kann: Gasanbieter in Rostock und für diejenigen, die keine Wohnung direkt in Rostock sondern in Schwerin finden, kann man vielleicht die Gasanbieterin Schwerin vergleichen.

Der Titel dieses Posts ist "Mit Strom-, Gas-Idealo und Rostock ins Weihnachten rein". Über Rostock wurde einiges geschrieben.
Was hat aber Weihnachten mit einem Strom- und Gaspreisvergleich zu tun? Das Team vom, bzw. hat sich was Schönes zum Weihnachten überlegt und zwar ein Spiel, wo man einige coole Sachen gewinnen kann. Darunter eine Spielkonsole oder ein iPod. Die Vorraussetzung besteht drauf, einen Beitrag auf einem eigenen Blog über und deren Weihnachtsidee zu verfassen.

Falls man doch kein Strom.Idealo Weihnachtsgeschenk gewinnt, kann man unter Idealo die Preise für diese Produkte vergleichen und vielleicht lohnt es sich, eins davon selber zu kaufen.

Donnerstag, 10. September 2009

Internship Report & Projekt Work

A very stressy period. No motivation to write, to jogg, to sleep.
But in 3 weeks everything should be over.

Part of the tasks needed to be done in this period was to write the internship report. And I did iiiiiiiiiiiiit. Felt pretty good about it. Could have write more. :d
Tomorrow will pick up my certificate from the company and submit it together with the report on monday to my uni.

This internship report represented 'just' a break from the project I am currently doing. Now back to writing it. I need to submit tomorrow a draft. Buuuuuut.. apparently I have some problems in matching the content to the structure.

Ahh. The projekt work is about developing visualizations and interactive learning elements for the introductory course to mathematics at an academical level.

Donnerstag, 3. September 2009

My (new) album

I went through my friends' blogs to see if they also don't have time like me to write and ran into a post Mtx wrote sometime in March.

And this is my result:

Very cool.

PS: I've just noticed i took instead of the last random quotation the first one. I stick to my 'mistake' coz i think it suits better. The last one would have been '[..]"thank you," that would suffice.' Or am i wrong?

Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2009


Wen interessiert's?
Wen interessiert's was?!
Was Alles?!
Das ich kurz davor bin, alles aufzugeben.
Ach was. Das war es?!

Montag, 25. Mai 2009

The 7 wonders of the world

I ran into this article The Retezat National Park so i decided to see what it is about.

There is a competition going on at the moment organized by the 7 Wonders Foundation for the 7 wonders of the world. The competition has reached its 2nd phase. People are invited to vote their favourite in order for it to reach one of the 77 places reserved for the semifinal.
In order to give the vote to ur favourite(s) u need to give 7 - (nr of favourites) other votes. One can follow the live ranking here.

The campaign conducted by the Romanian people is thought not to have enough power to keep the Romanian treasure among the nominees.

And my votes go to....
1. Retezat National Park ROMANIA - Group E: Forests, National Parks, Natural Reserves

2. The Richat Structure (MAURITANIA) - Group A: Landscapes, Ice formations.

The other contestants were:
Al-hasa Oasis SAUDI ARABIA
Vatnajokull Glacier ICELAND
Ein Gedi Oasis ISRAEL
Aletsch Glacier SWITZERLAND
The Macina MALI

3. Mud Volcanoes AZERBAIJAN also in Romania - Group C: Mountains, Volcanoes [A tough decision]

The other contestants were:
Mount Karthala COMOROS
Mount Everest CHINA/ NEPAL
Mount Fuji JAPAN
Vesuvius Volcano ITALY
Yasur Volcano VANUATU
Baekdu Mountain CHINA/ KOREA (NORTH)

4. Sumidero Canyon MEXICO - Group D: Caves, Rock formations, Valleys

The other contestants were:
Jeita Grotto LEBANON
Belogradchik Rocks BULGARIA
Eisriesenwelt Cave AUSTRIA

5. Angel Falls VENEZUELA - Group F: Lakes, Rivers, Watterfalls

The other contestants were:
Lake Titicaca BOLIVIA/ PERU
Pangong Lake CHINA/ INDIA
Ganga Talao or Grand Bassin MAURITIUS
Plitvice Lakes CROATIA
Laguna Colorada BOLIVIA

6. Great Barrier Reef (AUSTRALIA/ PAPUA NEW GUINEA) - Group G: Seascape

The other contestants were:
Conchi ARUBA
Milford Sound Fiord NEW ZEALAND
Cliffs of Moher IRELAND
Beveridge Reef NIUE

7. Cocos Island (COSTA RICA) - Group B: Islands

The other contestants were:
Galapagos Islands ECUADOR
Orona Atoll KIRIBATI
Tierra del Fuego, Archipelago ARGENTINA/ CHILE

The big number of nominees and the fact that u've visited maybe 3% of the places listed there and heard about 50-60% (maybe 30%, maybe 80%) confirm ur believe that life is short!

Dienstag, 17. März 2009

Manners in jogging

What do u do when u meet somebody u know while jogging?

Imagine u are out jogging and in front of u at around 100m u see somebody u know, who is coming towards u, also jogging. How do u react? What do u do?
Salute? He/She is still too far to say something. U cannot shout cause u r running so u cannot do both at the same time.
U smile? For how long?! Will the other one see u?
U stare? Stare like.. an idiot?! For how long?!
The first 50m u can pretend either u didnt see him/her, u got distracted by some ppl walking their dogs or u look down in the idea that u were trying to avoid stepping in some dog sh.. ( she/he will understand!! )
If u decide to wait till u get closer to him/her and then start a sentence what sentence do u choose?!
'Hey. Going home already?' 'Hey, almost finished? I started later today/ Couldnt wake up earlier.' 'Hey. When did u get here?' 'Hey, still doing some laps? How many?'....... Anything u might choose will sound silly. And anyhow u 'force' also the other one to say something, so also his/her training is ruined.
Besides that u might not finish the sentence and need either to slow down, which isn't recommended cause u should keep the same pace otherwise u get tired, or to keep on running but turning a little to finish the sentence.
.. or wave? wave and smile? ..for some seconds when u are at 50m away from the other one and then look straight ahead and continue jogging.. ?!

Sonntag, 15. März 2009

Din colectia.. lucruri utile

Am fost si eu ca totul omul, ca e trendy, WE-ul trecut la Ikea, a 4-a oara cand pun piciorul in acest hipermarket. Vroiam sa imi cumpar o lampa pentru ca in camera mea nu prea e lumina in timpul zilei si acum ca stau 2 zile pe sapt akas vreau si eu sa am impresia ca e zi afara.
Si ce mai vroiam sa imi cumpar.. ahh.. un termos ca pliculetzele de ceaiuri de mi le-am adus din Londra de revelion (ahh am fost acolo, chiar tre sa povestesc.. well, cand timp pentru asha ceva?!) nu merita irosite pe o canutza de juma de litru.
Ahh si un ghiveci mic pentru planta de am 'ciordit-o' (dar era in scara blocului si avea destule subramurele.. nu o sa se simta!!) o sapt in urma. Cum nu am gasit la Ikea un ghiveci minuscul am tras o fuga si la Bauhaus-ul de langa. Acolo peste ce dau? Peste aceasta tanti. Tanti?! Hmm..puei tanti ar trebui sa fie ca sablonul se cam potriveste. Dar pretzul?!?!?! sau numele?! 169€ Schwimmerin. Deci toti in cor: schwimmerin?!?!?!
Si deci intrebarea ce m-a izbit in momentul acela a fost: la foloseste?

Apropos a fost prima oara cand mi-am cumparat si eu ceva de acolo. Da!! Spre mirarea multora, pot sa ies din magazin si fara sa cumpar ceva. Ahh primele dati parca am mancat ceva pe acolo. Bunicica mancarea, dar obsesia mea pentru mancare sanatoasa ma impiedica sa ma entuziasmez mai mult.

Samstag, 14. März 2009

Auf der Suche nach..

Wie kann man Mathematik / Informatik / Neue Medien u. Technologien ( ...3D Animation... ) mit interkulturellen Kommunikation verbinden ?


[later edit:
"Welche Rolle können die neuen Medien in interkultureller Kommunikation spielen?"
"Wie kann Informatik zur Entwicklung der interkulturellen Kommunikation benutzt werden?
"Intercultural communication needs a support to allow the different parties to converse. When the network expands, an organized logic ( math ) is needed"

bla bla bla.. ein Mathematiker braucht etwas Konkretes!!!

Samstag, 7. Februar 2009

It is said that mathematicians have the eye made for perfect shapes, aligned objects.

Dont you want to just cut the trees from the right side so that they have the same shape like the ones on the left side? Or just to push them a little bit backwards to be on the same level with the other ones on the left.

Samstag, 10. Januar 2009

Talents Part 6

but this time, not mine:

Freitag, 2. Januar 2009


Another year is behind us. Thought a lot in the last 2 weeks of what i should be grateful for It was an intensive 2008, lots of hard times, lots of good moments (which i hv no idea why they aren't so clear in my mind.. at least clearer than the 'bad times'), lots of up and downs, lots of decisions.
But 2009 planed for me other trips, other trials to see if i can climb/have the right tools to go through the walls that will appear in front of me (seen or unseen).

To summerize the last weeks of Dec/ beginning of Jan:
- my Bday
- some parties (gossip-type)
- 3 1/2 months in Berlin
- Christmas party @job
- 1 week @home[Bukarest] on Christmas
- 1 week @London on New Year's Eve

Lots of stories..few time to tell them..