Mexican Party
Among the exchange students that came to TU this semester I had the pleasure to get to know also 3 mexicans: Los tres mexicanos, how i like to say. Very different one from another.
Manuel / Alejandro / Miguel
One month ago they decided to throw a party.. a traditional mexican one. As a very good friend i offered my services in helping them :D:D with the preparation.
The party was not only about hearing mexican music.. drinking tequila (the real one)
but also eating traditional food:
Assisting to the preparation now I can brag saying that i can do it also :D. Although I will never do guacamole :| . I hate that thing. The french, the mexicans and who knows who else love it.
Unfortunately there wasn't enough time to prepare all that was wanted. The tortillas were bought from the turkish market :D and the idea of having fun with the pinatta was dropped 1h before the party. Time management :))
Having problems with the place where it should be organized, till the end my WG was chosen, more exactly the appartment were one of them lives, similar to mine.
It was a good party..Alejandro proud of his ancestors. Umut and his twin brother participating at the fiesta.
Tequila time
Miguel explains to Arthur the secret of the drink they prepared. You can see the result on Arthur's face :))))))))
Not everybody could get in 1 picture.
What did i like the most: the dried fruits with chili and one sweet paste similar to caramel.. iammmmmiiiii :D:D
I will miss you guys.