Donnerstag, 26. April 2007


What does that mean?
A small city 20 min far from HH, direction Cuxhaven ( another city more 'famous' this time ).

Am fost acolo sambata dupaamiaza. 2 ore sunt suficiente pentru a arunca o privire catre primarie, in directia parcului, bisericii si muzeului orasului.
Arhitectura restaurata pentru a pastra aerul de vechi.

Love this type of cities..

Din rezumat:

Sonntag, 22. April 2007

Nächstes Ziel

Halb marathon 24.06.2007

Aber dafür braucht man:
-Wieder fit zu sein
-Ein Sponsor

Wenn man nicht schafft, gibt es eine zweite Möglichkeit :

Hella - Laufcup :
- Alsterlauf - 10km
- Airport - 16,1km
- Alstertal - 21,1km

Mal sehen..

Sonntag, 15. April 2007

First Easter away from home

Easter 2007

How did it start?
Used to have Easter 1 week after the catholics, i thought i will have to go to school on my Easter. But surprise. This year again it was in the same time.
How did i found out? When someone from my ymess list sent a mass message with 'La multi ani tuturor florilor' (how lazy is that?!). Anyway.. Apparently also i had Easter on the 8th. Gr8.

How to make the fest more interesting? Mom used to cook home sooo many things. Iammi.. I had to do also something. So..

eine Torte, that turned out to be very very tasty, and some painted eggs.
I shared it with my friends and my neighbors. One of my friends (girl) said: 'K, do all the romanians know how to cook so well?' =)))) Funny.. if only she knew i didnt and still dont cook. But no matter. The cake was really really good :) .

Where to go to the church?
1st choice was St. Michel in Harburg. I went there around 22. I didnt like it. I thought i could find at least one paper with 'Herr is auferstanden / Er is wirklich auferstanden' ( i had no idea how it is in german ).
My twin called me. He was in center and found out that St.Petri has a mess from 11 o'clock. And indeed it was a good idea. At the entrance we got a schedule of the mess and a candle. It was diff from our churches, being an evangelic one, but it was very nice. I couldnt sing with the others of course but 2 hours flew very fast.

It was a nice Easter.

Hardest day

12 April 2007 - the hardest day since i've been in D. It felt like the hardest day of my life.

Shortly: 1 oral exam - bad grade or failed (and i was the only one, how stupid is that, how stupid u feel), visit to the dentist, a class where the professor seemed not to remember that i registered for his class (and there was no more place; this class was the most interesting class i have), i failed an exam ( that leads to problems in finding an internship, problems in getting a job that i want in the uni and so on ).

And all this borne alone. Sad and depressing.

Dienstag, 10. April 2007

Was ist schlimmer als Zahnschmerzen?

Sarim peste cele 2 puncte pe care tre sa le completez ( Pastele si inceputul scolii ) si relatez ce mi s-a intamplat ieri si azi.

Ma trezesc ieri deodata cu o durere de masea ingrozitoare X(X(X( !§$%&$threzh&gfd&/gtfred%$§

Joi am examen. Mda.. nu s-au terminat. Nu cred ca or sa se termine vreodata. Am zis ca nu pot sa imi pierd vremea cu cautatul dentistului (ca de cand sunt aici nu am fost decat la 'doctorul-de-ochi', cum scria acum cativa ani in blocul de vis-a-vis ). Sa iau o pastila ceva.. Am luat de la vecina de apartament. Canci efect. Dupa 2 ore a revenit durerea. Noaptea nedormita. Invatzat de unde. Azi durere si mai mare. Nu ma duc la ore ca am zis ca o sa citesc ceva pentru examen. De unde. Am dormit ca sa uit de durere.
Amica mea cea mai buna a sugerat o dusca ( bine gargara ) cu vodca. Huh???
Well nu am incercat.
M-a rapus durerea si m-am dus la dentist. Partea faina e ca a fost foarte amabil si mi-a explicat foarte rar (ca totusi tre sa intelegi ce iti face.. in germana :| ) si in intregime ce vroia sa faca.

Iote acum incepe sa se dezamorteasca.
Mda.. normal mi-a facut anestezie.
La inceput a trebuit sa platesc cotizatia trimestriala necesara si sa completez un formular ( urasc formularele pentru ca oricat de intelectual ai parea tot ai intrebari.. sau cel putin eu am :D )

Culmea e ca si dupa ce mi-a facut anestezia ma mai durea.
Acum am un medicament acolo pus.
Din pacate ideea ce mi-a ramas in minte e 'incercam sa facem asta..., dar nu putem garanta ca poate fi salvat' :(((((((((((((((((((((((( f..-i


Montag, 9. April 2007

1.Trip to Berlin = 2nd fav city in D
2.Prima sapt de scoala, sem 2
3.Spending Easter away from home/family/friends

1. Sa petreci 3 zile la Berlin de una singura, trezindu-te dis de dim pentru a avea timp sa vizitezi cat mai multe, intorcandu-te tarziu pentru a relua vizualizarea obiectivelor turistice si pe seara = o experientza ce merita repetata.
In total: peste 550 de poze

Din sumar:

Spirala sticla - Parlament ?!

Idei pentru Europa

No need for a title

"Es sind 2 Arten von Berlinern. Die einen sind in diese Stadt hineingeboren worden und halten das alles hier als selbstverständlich. Die anderen, zu denen ich zufällig gehöre, haben sich diese Stadt ausgesucht. Diese Leute, zu denen ich gehöre, sind glücklich. Sie können nicht verstehen, warum die geborenen Berliner manchmal schlecht gelaunt sind und agressiv."

50 Jahre Partnerschaft - Unter den Linden

Deutschland :|

Berliner Dom
Postdamer Platz





Sans Soussi


Kultur Kaufhaus - Offen für Kultur : 10-24 Uhr

Caspar David Friedrich

Recycling or Art?!

Nee..oder?! Stadtrundfahrt "Nostalgie".
(Sorry for the tree, it was moving fast :D)

Und..zum Schluss

Berlin - 3 day are not enough


Punctele 2 si 3 in curand